General Information

The purpose of the Program of Studies is to describe programs and courses offered in Hoboken High School. Included in this document are course sequences and descriptions within subject areas (Examples: English, Mathematics, Science, etc.) for your reference. Grade levels represent the recommended grade level at which most students should take the course described.

This Program of Studies is designed to assist students entering 9th grade in prior to 2020 and their parents with long-range program planning and selection of courses for the upcoming school years. It is important that students consider the course descriptions and prerequisites, keeping in mind their personal abilities and interests. Students should choose courses that contribute to the accomplishments of their educational, personal, and career goals.


Parents are asked to review the Program of Studies information with their child(ren). Information in this guide should generate helpful discussions about career opportunities, diploma types, and educational plans. It is important that every parent be a vital part of the decision for the selection of student courses. Parents, in conjunction with school personnel, must work together to help students realize that the educational choices made today greatly affect the opportunities available in the future.

“Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world”