User Groups

(Grant Management Module)

Each IRIMS user has a designated role, which determines the actions they can perform in the system. Academic staff members with access to IRIMS will usually be assigned a "Person User" role. Other user roles and different access rights may be assigned to HKBU staff in certain posts, such as Department Heads and Faculty Deans, in line with their respective responsibilities.

Person User

  • In general, this term refers to HKBU researchers who submit grant applications through the IRIMS system.

  • A “Person User” has access to "Personal" and "Grant Management" sections.

  • The Personal page enables a Person User to view a variety of data related to their research outputs and projects.

  • Through the Grant Management page, a Person User can view current and open funding opportunities administered by the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning (CHTL), Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO), and Research Office (RO), submit applications for funding schemes, and locate details of own successful grant applications.

Editor of Applications

  • This role is assigned to Faculty Deans, Department Heads, and their delegates, who are responsible for checking and approving grant applications in their respective Departments/Faculty.

  • An Editor of Applications can directly delete grant applications from their Department/Faculty. Please be careful and avoid clicking the "delete" button when viewing a grant application. Further details are available in the Approval Procedures section.

Reporter of Applications and Grants

  • This role provides access to the "Reporting" function, in addition to the Personal and Grant Management sections.

  • It is assigned to Department Heads, Faculty Deans, and their delegates, enabling them to view and export application and grant data in Excel from their respective Department and Faculty.

Please note!

Administrative staff from Department/Faculty need to obtain prior approval from their Department Head/Dean to access IRIMS as "Editors of Applications" and "Reporters of Applications/Grants", and to approve applications and/or download applications and grant data on the Department Head/Dean’s behalf.