Application Results and Awards

Once a funding body announces its grant application results, the Research Office will change the status of the relevant applications in the IRIMS.

Unsuccessful application

Successful application

The word “Awarded” will appear next to the name of the application, with brief details also displayed under “Projects” in the public Research Portal.


Once an application is successful, the Center for Holistic Teaching and Learning (CHTL), Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) or Research Office (RO) will create a “Grant Record”. This will contain full details of the application, including total project cost, approved budget breakdown, actual project time frame, and timeline for submitting different types of reports.

These records are located under the Applicant's Grant Management section > Grants.


CHTL, KTO, or RO will create a “Project Record”, serving as a brief and non-sensitive summary of the grant in the public Research Portal.

Such records are located under the Principal Investigator's Grant Management section > Projects > My Projects.