Generating Reports

The Department Head/Faculty Dean (in their role of Reporter of Applications/Grants) can generate application and successful grant data through the Reporting function.

The following steps explain how to generate a simple report, including Project Title, Application/Grant Type, PI Name, and Awarded Amount.

1. Click the Reporting section and select New workspace > Blank workspace.

2. In the pop-up window, select Applications.

3. The Project Title will go in Column A by default.

To generate another column (Column B), click on Add column > Add value. Use the search box to find Application Type and then select it. Here, Application Type refers to the name of the relevant funding scheme.

4. To add the PI Name, click again on Add column > Add value to generate Column C. Search for and select "Person". The names of the PI, Co-PIs and Co-Is will all be displayed, where applicable.

5. To add information on Grants, click on Add column > Add value on related content. Click on Grants Based on same project, then search for and select Awarded amount.

6. You will then have a report, as shown on the left-hand side.

7. You can enable the Expand mode to filter out duplicate project records.

If a project is undertaken by multiple people, such as a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators, duplicate records will be displayed.

8. Select Column D and click on Filter.

9. Click Add filter, type “roles” in the search box, then select Contributor roles.

10. Tick the checkbox for PI, then click Apply Filters.

11. Fill in your report's name (e.g. Test User Guide 1). You can also export the report by clicking Export > Data as XLSX format.