Create and Submit Grant Applications

1. Check that the name of the funding scheme under “Application type” matches that of the selected scheme in the “Funding Opportunities” list.

2. Input the name of your project ("Title") and abstract ("Description").

3. Check the "Related funding applicant” (automatically added) is correct, and add Co-Investigators or Co-Principal Investigators if appropriate.

4. Check the “Managing organisational unit” is correct (default is the Principal Investigator’s department).

5. Click “Edit” in the “Fundings” section, as indicated at [1].

6. Clear the box “Applied amount in applied currency” [2].

7. Click “Add budget” [2].

8. Click “Add line” [3] and enter the budget breakdown.

9. Copy the total amount from [3] and paste to “Applied amount” in [2].

10. Life cycle [1] is the expected project duration.

11. Upload all the documents required to complete the application at "Documents" [1]. These files can be in Word, Excel, PDF, or JPEG.

12. Keep “Visibility” as “Confidential - Restricted to associated users and editors” to prevent other Person Users from viewing your application information.

13. Check everything again, and if the application is ready for submission, click “Send to internal approval” to forward it to the Department Head.

Please note:

  • You can stop an application before it is submitted to the funding body (Step 6) by clicking "Withdraw".

  • Please notify the Research Office ( as soon as possible if you would like to withdraw an application submitted for internal approval.