South Sudan Well

On February 28, 2018, the drilling of a well was completed in South Sudan.

The base of this life-giving well is inscribed with the name of Hingham Middle School. Because of the good will, generosity, and thoughtful ideas and hard work of the students and families of HMS, we were able to raise $15,000 to fund the drilling of this well by the organization, Water for South Sudan.

Well Number: 325

Village: Arieny-Piny A

State: Aweil East

Sponsor: Hingham Middle School (Hingham, MA)

Number of people served: 400

Date of hygiene training: 2018

(courtesy of Water for South Sudan website)

This is perhaps the greatest achievement of the One Book, One School Program. How far-reaching the effect of a book may be...


The people of the Arleny-Peny A village in Mangar-Tong, Aweil East, South Sudan.

Hingham Middle School (1).pdf