Pōkapu Rawa - Resources

Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow provides mental health and wellbeing support for children in primary school years 1-8 across Canterbury.   Mana Ake support schools, families and whānau when children are experiencing issues that impact their wellbeing such as managing emotions, friendships and bullying, parental separation and grief and loss.  You can talk to school or you can request support directly from Mana Ake.  Download our information flyer for parents.

Sparklers provides information and resources to help your child manage big emotions and feel good and wellbeing.  Sparklers at Home which is full of fun, wellbeing boosting activities, and learning activities to support learning at home.  You may want also to sign up for our e-newsletter to get more tips and/or our Facebook and Instagram pages. Sending aroha, from the Sparklers team.

The Public Health Nursing Service (PHNS) offers support to children, young people and their families across all schools in Canterbury with nurses based at some rural facilities. Regularly visit schools, work with families, providing support, advocacy, links with other services, liaise with family doctors, specialists and other health providers, support the delivery of B4 School checks, provide the School Based Vaccination Programme for year 8 students.  

Contact: Ashburton (03) 307 8378

We are child-centred and family-focused.    We deliver social services to support children and families to learn, grow and thrive. We offer counselling and social work support for children and families, along with a range of group programmes. We also partner with others to prevent family violence and strengthen communities.

Family works offers  Parenting ProgrammesFamily MediationSupport for Families,  Support for Children & Young People

Contact us: 0800 477 874           Opening hours:   Monday to Friday 8.45 am – 5.15 pm.

Call Healthline free on 0800 611 116 for health advice and information. For coronavirus advice, call 0800 358 5453.

Call or text 1737 to speak with a trained counsellor. Free and available day or night.

All Right? helps navigate life's challenges by encouraging people to think about where they're at, and sharing ideas.

HealthInfo provides health information for Cantabrians, including patient factsheets.

Healthy and Eco-Friendly Lunches

Here are some links to support you when making choices about sustainable and healthy lunch options for your child.



Eco Friendly Lunch Boxes help to reduce rubbish in our school environment. At Hinds we are aiming to be rubbish free. Rubbish that comes to school in lunch boxes (snack packets, foil, plastic wrap) will be returned home in the lunch boxes.

Some ideas for reusable lunch containers include. beeswax wraps, silcone pouches (great for heating items in the pie warmer during winter) reusable plastic containers.)

Please help us to be an environmentally friendly school