Long-tailed Chinchilla


Long-Tailed Chinchilla

Long-tailed Chinchillas are praised as the genies in the Andes mountains. Because they look similar to Totoro in the animation “My Neighbor Totoro” by Studio Ghibli, they are also called "Totoro.”

Chinchillas have strong hind legs and they are good at jumping. Since chinchillas live in barren lands, they don’t need a large amount of water. Also, any plant they can find will become their food. They will sit down and use their hands to hold food while they are eating. Isn’t it very cute?


⦿ When chinchillas are frightened, they will sprinkle their urine and jump away. What’s more, they can even jump up to 1.5 meters.

Basic Vocabulary

  • praise (v.) 讚揚、表揚

He should be praised for his honesty.

  • genie (n.) 精靈

The genie granted him three wishes.

  • hind (adj.) 身體後部的

The dog used its hind legs to jump.

  • sprinkle (v.) 灑

She sprinkled the water all around.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • barren (adj.) 貧瘠

We drove through a barren land.

  • urine (n.) 尿液

A dog uses urine to make its territory.


Introduction Video