


Although hippos are very big and appear clumsy, they can swim well. When they are swimming, it seems that they are elegantly walking in the water, which is due to the fact that their fat allows them to float in the water. They have a huge lung capacity so they can dive underwater up to 5 minutes long. Hippos like to stay in the water and will run toward the water when they are scared. They can run as fast as a car. They use defecation to mark their own land.


⦿ The defecation of the hippos can be made into eco-papers.

⦿ Hippos' favorite food is watermelon.

⦿ Hippos can eat up to 60 kilograms of grass a day.

Basic Vocabulary

  • hippo (n.) 河馬

Hippos are one of the popular animals in the zoo.

  • reason (n.) 原因

The cute animals are the reason why we come to the zoo.

  • fat (n.) 脂肪

Some people are too heavy because they have a lot of fat.

  • allow (v.) 使能夠

The new park allows us to take a walk everyday.

  • float (v.) 漂浮

The ice cubes (冰塊) are floating in the tea.

  • huge (adj.) 巨大的

There are 10 people in the huge car.

  • dive (v.) 潛水

Can you teach me how to dive in the ocean ?

  • underwater (adv.) 在水下

Fish can breathe underwater.

  • minute (n.) 分鐘

Every student has 10 minutes to finish writing.

  • toward (prep.) 朝向

Mom walks toward me to give me some cookies.

  • scared (adj.) 害怕的

Amy feels scared when she sees a dog.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • elegantly (adv.) 優雅地

The dancer danced elegantly on the stage.

  • lung capacity (n.) 肺容量

Swimming can enhance (增進) our lung capacity.

  • defecation (n.) 排泄物

Animals’ defecation can be used in gardening.

Fun Facts AbOUT Hippo Lala!

Introduction Video