Domestic Rabbit


Domestic Rabbit

Domestic Rabbits provide humans with meat and fur, and their docile nature makes them a popular pet choice and an experimental animal.

What they eat affect their functions. For example, show rabbits are fed in the way that would help them stay lively and healthy and at the same time help them develop strong musculoskeletal systems.

Rabbits have babies easily. To stop rabbits from having too many babies, human beings may fix rabbits when they are at sexual maturity.

Rabbits have been kept as pets in Western nations since the 19th century. Now in the 21st century, rabbits are one of the most popular pets around the world. But it is important to note that rabbits are not good choices for young kids. Rabbits are fragile and easily injured by rough handling; they can bite when hurt or frightened.


⦿ Rabbit teeth will continue to grow throughout their lives. If the teeth are not properly aligned, they might die from starvation.

⦿ Although rabbits have been kept as pets since the 19th century, rabbits are still illegal as pets in Queensland.

⦿ Rabbits are very popular in America during the Easter season. People would buy rabbits as Easter gifts, especially for kids. However, during the weeks following Easter, there is a huge rise in the number of abandoned rabbits.

Basic Vocabulary

  • docile (adj.) 溫和的

Sheep are known for being docile.

  • experimental (adj.) 實驗性的

Water is an experimental element in this experiment.

  • affect (v.) 影響

Smoking affects our health.

  • function (n.) 功能

He performs several important functions in the company.

  • intend (v.) 打算

I intend to go on a trip next week.

  • trade (v.) 交易

The boy traded his pencil for a pen.

  • properly (adv.) 適當地

You should always wash your hands properly before having food.

  • aligned (adj.) 對齊的

Many people think aligned teeth is a standard of beauty.

  • starving (adj.) 飢餓

I'm starving. Is there any food to eat?

  • Illegal (adj.) 違法

Red light running is illegal in various countries.

  • especially (adv.) 特別

It is especially hot today.

  • popular (adj.)有名的

This game is popular among kids.

  • abandoned (adj.) 被拋棄的

The kids in the orphanage are abandoned.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • musculoskeletal (adj.) 肌肉與骨骼的

  • Queensland (n.) 昆士蘭(地名)

The story of Domestic Rabbit

Introduction Video