Fallow Deer


Fallow Deer

Fallow Deer's native habitat is Europe, so they are also known as "European fawns." With the migration of Europeans, Fallow Deer have now been introduced to South America, Africa, West Asia, the United States, etc. Male fallow deer have renewable horns, which are replaced by new ones every April. Fallow deer are lively and bold, very good at running and jumping. When encountering a dangerous situation, they can easily jump over two-meter tall obstacles, and they will also raise their tail and expose the white hair on the hips to warn their companions to escape.


⦿ Each Fallow Deer has a unique pattern above the upper lip on the nose, between the nostrils. Much like human fingerprints, this pattern will never change.

Basic Vocabulary

  • native (adj.) 土生土長的

I am native to Taiwan.

  • buck(s) (n.) 雄鹿

The bucks ran fast in the woods.

  • horn(s) (n.) 角

The male deer grew large horns on its head.

  • expose (v.) 露出

The little boy exposed the wound on his leg to his mother.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • habitat (n.) 棲息地

This lake is the habitat of those ducks.

  • domesticate (v.) 馴養

Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.

  • obstacles (n.) 障礙

There are a lot of obstacles on my way of getting fit.

  • companion (n.) 同伴

I enjoy working together with my companions.

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