Common Eland


Common Eland

Common Eland, also known as the southern elands or eland antelopes, are antelopes that usually live in a large, flat area of land covered with grass and few trees. Common Elands live in East and South Africa.They are the second largest antelope in the world. Common Elands are sexually dimorphic, which means that females are smaller than males. Both sexes have horns with a steady spiral ridge. The horns are visible as small buds in newborns and grow rapidly during the first seven months.

Common Elands are herbivores. They have leaves, juicy fruits, grass, and tree roots for food.


⦿ You’ll hear a distinct clicking when listening to Common Elands closely. This is thought to come from their hooves.

⦿ A female Common Eland produces up to 7kg of milk per day, which is richer in fat than cow milk.

Basic Vocabulary

  • Common Eland = Southern Eland = Eland Antelope (n.) 伊蘭羚羊

We get to see Common Elands in the zoo!

  • flat (n.) 平地

The Common Elands live in flats that grow a few trees.

  • cover (v.) 覆蓋

My table is covered with books and pencils.

  • visible (adj.) 可以看見的

Without glasses, everything is not visible to me.

  • horn (n.) 角

A lot of girls are crazy about the unicorn, which is a kind of creature that only has a horn on its head, instead of two.

  • steady (adj.) 穩定的

The learning process is slow, but steady.

  • buds (n.) 花蕾

In spring, the flowers are all covered in buds.

  • newborn (adj.) 新生的

Newborn babies can be very sensitive to the environment; everything is new to them.

  • rapidly (adv.) 迅速地

With the development of technology, the world is changing rapidly.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • sexual dimorphism (n.) 兩性異形

You get to find differences between females and males of animals that are sexually dimorphic.

  • female (n.) 雌性

The puppy is a female, not a male.

  • male (n.) 雄性

There are more males than females in this community.

  • Herbivore (n.) 草食性動物

Animals that are Herbivore usually have plants for food.

  • spiral (adj.) 螺旋型的

The teacher requires each student to prepare two spiral notebooks for the semester.

  • ridge (n.) 脊

We felt tired when we were walking along the mountain ridge.

A Song For You To Sing Along

Introduction Video