TPS Travel & Tourism

L3 BTEC Extended National Certificate in Travel and Tourism


Course Overview


This qualification gives a broad introduction to the travel and tourism industry, with an emphasis on core knowledge and fundamental skills that are transferable across other sectors.

The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with higher education providers to ensure that it supports this progression. In addition, employers and professional bodies have been involved and consulted in order to confirm that the content is appropriate and consistent with current practice.



Course Content


This qualification includes three mandatory units covering the following content areas. • The world of travel and tourism – the travel and tourism industry in the UK is growing and is of major importance to the economy. Learners will develop the skills needed to examine, interpret and analyse a variety of statistics that measure the importance of tourism to  the UK.

 • Global destinations - Different types of destinations and their importance – learners will investigate the features and appeal of global destinations.

 • Principles of marketing in travel and tourism – learners will explore how to develop a successful marketing plan for use by travel and tourism organisations to attract and engage with customers using research data.


In addition students will study a fourth unit chosen from either visitor attractions or events, conferences and exhibitions.


Unit 1 (The world of travel and tourism) is assessed through an externally set exam lasting 1 ½ hours. Unit 2 (Global destinations is also externally assessed through a 3 hour task set by Pearson / BTEC. The remaining two units are assessed through coursework assignments.


Course Entry Requirements


Standard Entry Requirements apply



Course Specification

 Pearson BTEC L3 National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism