HBS Mathematics

Course Overview 

Mathematics is a useful, elegant and powerful tool which examines and defines relationships and can analyse abstract ideas. It models and solves problems which arise in many areas of life.  Mathematics is challenging but interesting. It builds on work you will have met at GCSE, and also introduces ideas that some of the greatest minds of the last millennium have produced. It is a sought-after qualification, both for courses in higher education and for the workplace. Mathematics at A Level is a course worth studying in its own right, and as a supporting subject for the physical and social sciences as well as encouraging the logical thinking which is needed in Law, History and most other disciplines. 

Course Content

Mathematics is a popular option across the Consortium and is available in combination with most other subjects. The course involves both pure maths and applied maths.  Good mathematicians will want to consider taking both Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A Level. This course is offered as a fourth option, but must be accompanied by Mathematics A Level.

The study of Further Mathematics adds breadth and depth to the topics covered in A Level Mathematics. It introduces new topics for example matrices, complex numbers, differential equations, polar coordinates.  Such topics form an important part of Maths-rich degrees in areas such as the Sciences, Engineering, Statistics, Economics and Computing in addition to Mathematics itself. The content of Further Mathematics enables the study of additional pure modules as well as a wider variety of applied modules. 

Course Entry Requirements

7 or above at GCSE for Mathematics

8 or above at GCSE for Further Mathematics

Course Specification

AQA 7357 and 7367 




At A Level, students are expected to complete a minimum of  5 hours of study a week on top of their allocated lesson time.

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