TPS Economics

Course Overview

You will be introduced to this Economics course through developing your knowledge of core microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts. There are four themes, as follows, and each one investigates economic theory through real world businesses and the environments in which they operate.

Course Content

The topic areas include enterprise, government intervention, globalisation and market power. You will be required to apply your knowledge and understanding and demonstrate an awareness of current economic events and policies

The course is assessed through three exam papers of two hours duration. The third paper is based on a pre-released context such as a specific industry, market or economic issue.

You will develop transferable skills, such as quantitative and analytical analysis that will support your study in a wide range of subjects at further or higher education including any degree in economics or business. You can progress into a wide range of careers ranging from finance, banking, insurance, accountancy and management.

Course Entry Requirements

6 or above in GCSE Mathematics

Course Specification

Pearson – Economics B (9EB0)


At A Level, students are expected to complete a minimum of  5 hours of study a week on top of their allocated lesson time.