HGS Computer Science

Course Overview

Advances in computing are transforming the way we work and this course has been designed to allow you to gain a broad understanding of Computer Science. It offers you excellent progression opportunities into higher education and the ability to thrive in the work place.

Course Content

You will have a chance to study the following areas:

You will be assessed at the end of the two years by one on-screen exam, one written exam and a practical computing project.

Course Entry Requirements

6 or above in GCSE Mathematics

5 or above at GCSE

Course Specification

AQA 7517



At A Level, students are expected to complete a minimum of  5 hours of study a week on top of their allocated lesson time.

A level computer science for website.docx
1558 MLMF Computer.IT 2022.pptx.pdf
1558_My Learning My Future_Computer_Science_Completed.pdf