HBS Product Design

A Level Design and Technology induction video.mp4

Course Overview

This course will encourage you to take a broad view of Product Design, to develop your capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing. Product design encompasses a wide range of design disciplines but is firmly rooted in the skills required to design and make high quality products. Design studies will focus on the work of past designers, design movements of the 20th Century and contemporary design. The new specification will also draw upon your knowledge of Science and Mathematics

Course Content

At HBS the Product Design course will continue to develop the skills, knowledge and techniques in both designing and manufacturing, introducing new materials and client-centred iterative design methods in a range of design and make mini projects undertaken in our well-equipped workshops, with the focus on equipping you with the necessary skills to complete the major Non-Examined Assessment project in year 13 confidently and successfully.  The course will be an ideal route to students who wish to study Product Design or a related subject, post 19 at college or university.

Course Entry Requirements

5 or above at GCSE

Course Specification

AQA 7552



At A Level, students are expected to complete a minimum of  5 hours of study a week on top of their allocated lesson time.