
CFA Naming Convention

All CFA's will be named in the same format district-wide. Do not vary from this format it will cause confusion for you and your administrator.

ES/IS/MS: Grade Subject (Year) CFA#


        • 7th Science (2020-2021) 1

        • 7th Science (2020-2021) 2

HS: Course (Year) CFA#


        • Chemistry (2020-2021) 1

        • Chemistry (2020-2021) 2

*CFA's are given every 3-4 weeks. (Teachers can expect to give at least 8 CFA's in a normal school year.)

Creating a Test

*Aware will be rolling out a new test workflow beginning with the 2019 school year. Now that Aware is consolidating the test workflow, teachers will select one of the three options for creating a new test (Create a New Blank Test, Copy Existing Test, or Create New Quick Test Key) from the left panel under Assessment Options. While teachers get accustomed to the new workflow, the legacy workflow will be available for a short time. Teachers can click on Create a New Test (legacy) or Create a New Teacher Test (legacy) to work in the classic view.

Reminder: Teachers can not create CFA's through create a New Teacher Test.

In this training, you will learn how to create assessments and access assessment materials using Eduphoria Aware. We will cover the three different options for test creation, which can be used to create CFA's:

CFA's are NOT to be created as a New Teacher Test (legacy). Please see the corresponding tab for more information.

**Note: Some features in Aware may only be available to Administrators or Department Heads.

The classic view is no longer available in the test authoring interface. Teachers had the option to switch between Beta and Classic views in the 2018-2019 school year to adjust to the change. See the Quick Guide below for additional help.

Test Authoring Quick Guide - Create a New Test