

Kids will need their login information for this website. Contact your teacher if you have any difficulty logging in.

Math games for kids. You can choose between the grade or subject area.

Another site with math games.

This website provides math support with games and activities


GoNoodles skip counting to 100

Helps with patterns using movement.

GoNoodle, skip counting with movement.

Learn colors, shapes, and counting.

Kindergarten curriculum doesn't include telling time, but it is always a good idea to practice.

A song with pirate about math with counting and comparing numbers.

Same group as above, they focus on adding different numbers while singing.

Same group as above, they focus on adding different numbers while singing.

Dr. Jean gets them moving and counting to 100.

A fun song that teaches the kids the teen numbers.

The singing walrus sings about different 3D shapes.

This song gives a visual of the patterns while singing about what the patterns are verbally.