
Welcome to Krystal!! I am looking forward to the new year!

A little about me:

What can YOU do as a parent to help your child be ready for kindergarten?

1) Help your child practice writing his/her name

2) Make sure when your child learns to write his/her name; only the first letter is capitalized, all other letters are lower case letters, and there are NO backwards letters

3) Practice learning Zoophonics with the videos on my YouTube channel that will help your child learn the sounds of the alphabet!

Here's the link to all three Zoophonics videos:

4) Practice cutting with scissors 

5) Practice shapes and colors

6) Practice recognizing and writing numbers to 10 

7) Practice using the restroom 100% independently, including flushing the toilet and fastening pants (all with the door closed)

8) Practice tying shoe laces

9) Practice zipping up jackets and sweaters. As well as, putting pull-overs on.

Donations (that maybe a little different than the first page)-

1) Snacks- Goldfish, pretzels, Cheerios, granola bars, fruit snacks.

2) Tissue

3) Glue sticks

4) Thin whiteboard markers (Black)

5) Copy paper

6) Bandaids