Counseling Office

Meet Your WHS Counselors!

Ms. Ashley Manley

Last Names: A-D

Ms. Cassaundra Bell

Last Names: E-Jo

Ms. Miller-Wooden

Last Names: Ju-Ra

Ms. Staneecha Benjamin

Last Names: Re-Z

Create Your GAFutures Account Today!

Your GAFutures account will hold many important things for you while you are in high school and as you prepare to apply/enroll in post-secondary education options. It is not too early to create your account and start building your profile out there!

  1. Go to

  2. Click the "Create Account" button at the top.

  3. Follow the prompts to fill out the necessary information (you will need your social security number) and create your account.

  4. Browse your account and start building your profile. Your counselors will reference this site frequently as you make your way through your high school stay with us. If you end up transferring to another Georgia high school at any point, your account will still be active and hold the necessary information needed to apply for and enroll in colleges/programs after high school.

Why is 9th Grade so Important!?

Many freshmen fall into the trap of thinking their grades do not matter their first year. They have an idea that they will do better in future years and pull their GPA up in those years. DON'T FALL INTO THE TRAP!

Did you know....all grades received in 9th grade follow you every year!? Good or bad, these grades are factored into your Cumulative GPA each subsequent year/semester.

Freshmen grades are, perhaps, the most important you will earn. Start your GPA off on the right foot! Keep those freshmen grades up and don't fall into the trap of thinking they don't matter.

High School Tips for Success

High School Tips for Success.pdf
9th Grade TIPS for Success.pdf

Registration for 9th Grade Classes

8th Graders will work with their middle school counselors and/or teachers to discuss and courses for next year. 8th Graders are to ask their middle school counselor if they have questions about registering for 9th Grade courses. WHS counselors will then sit with each 8th grader at their middle school and register them for their high school courses.

As freshmen, students only have two open spots in their 7-period schedule for electives after scheduling the required courses. Students will be identifying courses they would like to take as electives as well as alternates that the counselors can use in the event the preferred courses are full.

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