Jillian Margaret Wellness
Grades: K-12
Keywords: Inspiration, Seasonal, Recipes
Monthly Seasonal based Inspiration and Recipes
Monthly Seasonal based Inspiration and Recipes
-Our team uses the primary parent email that is available in Pathways to create an account for your student. If you have a specific email that you would rather use, or you already have an account, please include that information (Email and Password) when creating your order in Procurify.
-Our team uses the primary parent email that is available in Pathways to create an account for your student. If you have a specific email that you would rather use, or you already have an account, please include that information (Email and Password) when creating your order in Procurify.
-When and how will I get each month's issue? On the first of every month, the new monthly issue will become available on the website for you to download! A note will be sent to your registered email to remind you to come get your issue!
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