North Preschool

North Preschool dress up 2020

North Preschool

3-Day Preschool: MWF 8:30--11:305-Day Preschool: 8:30--11:30
North Preschool science experiment 2020

North Pre-Kindergarten/Afternoon TK

Monday--Friday: 12:30--3:30

The North Hillsborough Preschool offers a program fostering social development, creativity, and emotional and physical well-being in an environment designed to give your child a positive self- image.

The Preschool program introduces basic scientific, sensory, physical, and aesthetic concepts, plus an additional focus on practical skills.

The Preschool class children participate in a full complement of age appropriate developmental activities including arts, crafts, manipulatives for fine motor development, dramatic play, songs, stories, finger plays, and indoor and outdoor large muscle activities.  The Preschoolers are introduced to Spanish and make weekly visits to the library.

The afternoon Pre-Kindergarten Program is a natural progression of learning for children who are in their final year of preschool.  Pre-Kindergarten readiness skills are emphasized as well as a broad appreciation of nature, science, music, movement, art, cooking and carpentry.  Weekly library visits, use of computers, Spanish language activities and field trips are an integral part of the program.  All activities are conducted in a friendly, encouraging atmosphere that allows learning to take place at the child's own pace.

Our daily and weekly activities coordinate with an overall monthly plan designed to provide each child a rich and varied school year.

Our Preschool teachers work closely with the North School kindergarten teachers to insure that our program provides a sound basis for the transition into elementary school.

We strive for a happy balance between academic and social skills, never once forgetting that for each child the quality of this first school experience will last a lifetime.

Marcia True, Lead Preschool Teacher at North 

(650) 235-0759