"Don't give up! I believe in you ALL! A person's a person, no matter how small"--Dr. Seuss

 Fall Fun!

During the first month or so of the school year, after our Pre-K/Afternoon TKers have settled into the routines of their individual campuses, all three preschools assemble in the North School "woods" for a celebration welcoming the fall season.

Our September brings splendid weather to our area and provides a perfect outdoor environment for the activities in which the children participate:

Arts and Crafts

Stamped-leather wristbands

Grape-vine wreath decorating

Fall Leaf Painting

Games and Activities

Pumpkin Bowling

Hay Bale Play

Big Tarp Tic-Tac-Toe (using Jack-Be-Little Pumpkins)

Tasty Treats

And, for a traditional fall delight, we'll dip our own caramel apples!

Earth Day Celebration

Pre-K Fun Day

Pre-K Fun Day is where we celebrate all of our kids that we will be sending off to Kindergarten.  North and West Preschool come down to South Preschool for the afternoon.  We have a pizza party and different stations set up for the children to enjoy. The stations include:


Children get to make all sorts of cool bubbles and then chase them.  If there is time, or the children want to do something different, there are balls for them to kick and chase on the field.


The children will hit the wiffle ball into each hoop and mark on their score card with the corresponding shape.

Mask Making

 We will read The Little Red Hen. They will color a mask, and then staple it to a tongue depressor, if there is time have the children act it out.


 The children will make a Jingle Sticks, Shaker, Wood block, or Kazoo.  When done the children will play their musical instruments in their band. 

Face Painting, Chalk, Visors & Water Play

The children will decorate a visor with permanent markers and stickers.  This is also a great time for them to get their face painted.  Once they are done with the visor, they may use the sidewalk chalk, and play in the water table. 

This is a fun and exciting way to end our year with our Pre-K kids.