Parent Involvement

Ways to Get Involved

Parent Group Board Member

Each Preschool has a parent group that works with the Lead Teacher to provide opportunities to extend the classroom connections with the parents. Being a part of the parent board allows for you to make decisions that directly impact the program in a positive and sometimes lasting way.

South Preschool Field Trip

Field Trips

Our programs go on field trips that require parent participation. These are great experiences to share with your child.  The field trip that seems to be the most popular with the kids and parents alike is the Pumpkin Patch in October.

North Preschool Parent helper

Classroom Helpers

Our preschools encourage our parents to be active in the classroom by helping out in areas of their passions.  We have library helpers, weekly cooking helpers, party chairs, and special project assistants.  These activities allow for you and your children to bond in a mutual learning experience.

Mystery Readers

One of the favorite experiences for our children is to have their family members come in and be the "Mystery Reader".  We have had older siblings come in and read, grandparents visiting from out of town, or Mom and Dad taking time off of work to share a family favorite.  

West Preschool Parent Helper