Resources for Special Education/504 Students


Differences between IDEA IEP's, 504 Plans, and College Accommodations Differences explained, process used through high school and college, and frequently asked questions. An excellent summary.

Office for People with Disabilities New York State Website. How to get started, how to find services, information sessions, eligibility and paying for services, plus a lot more.

ACCESS-VR Introduction to Services: Assess VR  What does it mean? "Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation" This is an introduction to services pamphlet.

ACCESS-VR Application for VR Services Form to complete to access services.

ACCESS-VR Information Release Authorization 

Disability Discrimination U.S. Department of Education Website; Frequently asked questions about disability, accessibility and services

College Board Accommodations for PSAT's' SAT's' and AP's Prior to receiving accommodations on College Board tests, eligibility must first be determined. See your school counselor for more information.

ACT Test Accommodations and English Learners Supports Prior to receiving accommodations on ACT tests, eligibility must first be determined. See you school counselor for more information.

NCCSD National Center for College Students with Disabilities Clearinghouse highlights favorite resources about disability and higher education.

7 Things to Know about College Disability Services Information about the differences between high school and college services.

Educational Options After High School for Students with Special Needs List of resources and helpful articles. From Parenting Special Needs magazine.

504 Accommodation Plan

Your child may be eligible for health services and/or other types of accommodations.  Students qualify for 504 Accommodations if:

All inquiries and referrals should be directed to your child's school counselor and/or the 504 coordinator:  

Mrs. Kristina LaMendola, last names A-K 646-3300 x 6331

Mr. Paul Thompson, last names L-Z 646-3300 x 6120

graduation chart.pdf