Freshman Year
Welcome to High School!
Expectations are higher in high school. Try your very best. Freshmen year counts!
If you are struggling with study skills, time management, etc. seek out resources to help you. See your counselor for suggestions.
Try to keep up with the increased workload by doing homework daily.
Communicate with your teachers. They want to hear from you!
Find a club or activity that appeals to you. This is one way to meet new people. The number of activities is not as important as the quality of your experiences.
Keep a record of all clubs, activities, and sports that you are involved with. This will help later on with college applications.
Determine which classes most appeal to you and why? Which classes least appeal to you and why?
Sophomore Year
Meet with your school counselor.
Maintain strong study habits and time management techniques.
Read, Read, Read: including newspapers, magazines and books.
Work to enhance your reading and writing abilities and vocabulary.
Plan your junior year scheduling carefully. Take classes appropriate for you; push yourself but know your limits. Colleges will look carefully at your classes (and not just your grades). A strong college preparatory program is balanced with courses in English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science. Second Language is important.
Aim for leadership positions, if appropriate. Keep a record of performances/events/awards.
Think about those qualities that would make a college right of you.
Pay attention to what friends and others are saying about their college experiences.
Think about your interests and how those interests might translate into career options. But keep your options open. Investigate lots of possibilities.
Consider an interesting summer job, travel, or other learning experience; perhaps volunteer work.
Attend the local College Night at Hilbert College in September.
Attend the National College Fair in March.
Enjoy school! And not only as a prelude to college, but also as a place where you are developing as a student and as a person.
Junior Year
Relax. Approach the college search systematically.
Keep your grades up.
Take the PSAT in October and consider taking the SAT and/or the ACT in the spring of your junior year.
Begin/continue extracurricular involvements.
Plan the Senior year schedule carefully. Push yourself, but know your limits.
Work on study skills and time management.
Think about several career options. Actively investigate a few.
Consider an interesting summer job or travel experience.
Take every opportunity to improve your reading and writing skills.
Preparing for College:
Keep a Favorites page on college related information.
Identify what is important to you in college selection.
Meet the college representatives at school. Attend college night programs, college and career fairs.
Develop a preliminary list of colleges that interest you and research those choices.
Identify and possibly talk to teachers about recommendations.
Begin to explore financial aid opportunities.
Start work on essay preparation.
Consider visits to college campuses
Research whether your prospective colleges require the SAT II Subject Tests, and if so, make plans to take them.
Senior Year
Keep your “cool” during this year. Systematically move from one phase of the college search to another.
Keep your grades up. This year is important.
Begin/continue extracurricular involvements.
Work on study skills and time management.
Think about several career options. Actively investigate a few.
Keep your parents informed as to your thinking about your college choices. Seek their counsel.
Consider taking (or retaking) the SAT and/or ACT in the fall.
Discuss applying “Early Decision” or “Early Action” with your counselor.
Identifying Colleges and Applying:
Identify what is important to you in your college selection.
Meet the college representatives at school. Attend college night programs and fairs.
Research college choices. Narrow the field.
Talk to teachers about college recommendations. Always ask them in person if they would write a recommendation for you.
Work systematically on your application(s) and essay. Develop a timetable for application due dates.
Determine which schools on your list are Common App, SUNY App or direct application. Plan accordingly.
Investigate all relevant scholarship possibilities. Fill out Hamburg’s Local Scholarship Application.
Check with each college for financial aid information.
Consider the best time for college visitations.
Send confirmation for attendance.
Finish strong and graduate!