Course Planning


Graduation Requirements
To be awarded a high school diploma in New York State, students must pass both coursework and  the required Regent exams with a passing score of 65 and above.

There are two types of diplomas: The Regents and the Advanced Designation Regents Diploma. Both require coursework in the Core subjects with elective credit totaling 22 credits. Many students at Hamburg take many more classes, thus more credits. The Regents Diploma requires 5 exams: English Language Arts,  1 Math, Global Studies, U.S. History and 1 Science exam. The Advanced Regents requires 8 exams in the Core subjects and in addition, a Comprehensive Second Language exam. Students with a disability may have alternative safety nets regarding graduation requirements.

Complete graduation requirements and course descriptions are found in the curriculum handbook.

NYS Diploma Requirements Tracking Tool

Important Information to Consider

The curriculum handbook has been developed to assist students and parents with planning their high school course of study. The New York State Education Department has established minimum standards for earning a high school diploma. 

If your educational goals do include college, you must plan carefully. If you are still deciding on your future goals, plan as if you are going to college. This plan of action will open more paths for you to choose from in the future. All students, regardless of future plans, should select courses that will challenge individual intellectual abilities. Proper course selections and successful completion of those courses will increase the chance of being accepted into the college or career field of your choice. 

Hamburg High Schools offers sixteen Advanced Placement classes, Hilbert College and other college credit coursework, a wide variety of electives and multiple career and technical education programs offered through Erie 1 BOCES. 

Scheduling Reminders

 504 accommodation or if sufficient reasoning by the school counselor(s) in consultation with building administration.

Erie 1 BOCES

Erie 1 BOCES provides career and technical education to the area's component districts. Many different vocational programs are offered at either Potter Career and Technical Center located in West Seneca or at the Harkness Career and Technical Center,  located near the Buffalo International Airport. These wide-ranging programs are available to juniors and seniors only. Most programs are two years in length; the New Visions program is a one year option for honors-level seniors.