Essay Writing

One part of the application process is the essay.  This is the time to be let your personality reign supreme apart from the data that the application has thus far been highlighting. College representatives want to hear your story, in your own words. While it sounds simple enough, it is not an easy feat for many students. Yes, you have to write about some aspect of yourself. The process should not be rushed. By working ahead of time, it affords you the luxury to mull your ideas over. Essentially,  what you are doing is telling one story to an audience. It is up to you as to what you want to say and how you want to say it. Just as we are all individuals, all our stories will all be different as well. That being said, adding pressure to write the perfect essay is not what is needed. Reflection and clear voice will get you started. There is no need to repeat yourself from other parts of the application. Expect to revise. And revise again. Proofreading is a must. Choose a trusted professional to read over your essay; feedback can help refine your thoughts. Repeat the process until your essay says what you want it to say.

Thinking about what you will write may take more time than the actual writing.

Tips for Essay Writing