Advance Placement (AP) and
Dual Enrollment
There are multiple ways to earn college credit while in high school. While Advanced Placement may be the most well known, there are other programs to consider. In all cases, it is important that students realize that in taking college level classes, it will require a commitment of time, money, and sustained effort. There may be more complexity to a college level course. Keep in mind, if enrolling with a college, your registration will generate a college transcript. As a high school student, it stands to reason that you would want that college transcript to be a positive reflection of your efforts.
AP Exam Information 2022-2023
AP exams are held in May, and must be ordered soon. If they haven’t already, students must “JOIN” their class on College Board by November 15th (this will order their exam). Payment will be collected in January.
Join Class on College Board
My AP College Board login→ create an account or sign in
Join the course with the “Join Code” given by AP teachers.
AP Payment
Each exam will cost $97. If you qualify for free/reduced lunches (in a typical school year), you will receive a reduced price on the exam. If you have not already submitted your
free/reduced lunch application for this school year, please do so ASAP.
Payments will be accepted starting in January this year. More information to follow.
You are expected to take the exam if enrolled in an AP course, unless alternate college credit is offered. College credit is awarded based on your score on the AP Exam; colleges and universities have their own requirements as to what credit they will accept and how they will distribute that credit.
Choosing Advanced Placement vs. College Credit
The following courses offer a choice between taking the AP exam OR registering for college credit at Hilbert College or SUNY Erie:
AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, AP English 12, AP Environmental Science, AP Statistics
Hilbert College credit (cost is $75 per credit hour plus $35 registration fee for each course) For example, a 3 credit course will be $75 X 3 credits = $225 PLUS $35 Registration Fee. Student's total cost is $260. If you quality for free/reduced lunch, you will receive a reduced price on the class, with verification of status. Students will send a transcript from Hilbert to their selected college.
SUNY Erie credit (cost is $98.00 per credit/$294 for 3 credits) Students were given information about registering. Colleges may accept credit for the grade earned in the course. Students will send a transcript from SUNY Erie to their college.
Canisius College credit cost is $250 for a 3 credit class. Please see high school instructor for more information. Students will sent a transcript from Canisius to their selected college.
AP credit (cost is $97) Colleges may award credit for an AP score of 3 or better.
Students will send their score report from College Board to their college. Students CAN choose to enroll in the college credit AND take the AP exam.
Students must register/Join on College Board by November 15th if they choose to take the AP exam. Late registrants, or deciding not to take the exam will result in a $40 fee.
Any questions, contact your AP Coordinator,
Laura Sabia @ 646-3300, ext. 6333 (
Advanced Study at SUNY Erie
SUNY Erie’s Advanced Studies Program is open to all high school juniors or seniors of average or better academic ability interested in beginning their college studies while still in high school. Sophomore students may be recommended by their teacher or school counselor. Eligible students may apply to SUNY Erie by using the Advanced Studies Application provided to the classroom instructor by the Coordinator of the AS program. Be sure to get your application in on time, as there is a deadline for each class. All Advanced Studies courses are offered by the high school teacher. A letter grade will be given in June on the SUNY Erie transcript for the college course taught online/remotely by the high school teacher. A "C" will transfer to any state college.
Advanced Study Parent Student Orientation Guide
Online Application Instructions
Advanced Studies Registration Form
Advanced Studies Request for Transcript
If you have additional questions, you may contact:
Sheryl M Duquette
Advanced Studies Department
North Campus | Room G 143
6205 Main St. | Williamsville, NY 14221
P: 716-851-1270 F: 716-851-1272 |