Project Information:

EPB Teams have an exciting and unique opportunity to help EPB bring your ideas to life for the entire city of Chattanooga! This is a BIG deal that you will remember for years to come. During the 2nd quarter, your team will work with EPB to build the holiday window displays. You will learn a lot as you work with EPB employees to solve problems and create amazing, dynamic displays. This opportunity requires working outside of school. If you love developing creative ideas, making things, and being part of a Chattanooga tradition, then this might be the project for you! For EPB, the focus is on a collaborative design process that yields creative, engaging, and feasible concepts for the holiday windows. For the STEM School, the focus is on the collaboration and critical thinking skills demonstrated by the student teams.

Sponsor Info:

Lauren Obermark:

Ryan Lieving:

Katie Cunningham:

Unit Plan:

Copy of EPB Holiday Windows Build Project- Unit Plan

Final Presentation Pictures: