Mission and Purpose


The mission of the Holyoke Community College Student Senate shall be to serve as the representative voice of the student body. The Student Senate shall facilitate communication among and between students of the college and staff, faculty, and the administration of the college, in order to improve the lives of students, and to protect the reputation and experience of the student body, so that we may foster a sense of community, empower students, and safeguard academic standards and personal rights. Furthermore, the additional purpose of the Student Senate is to work on behalf of the student body for promotion of continually evolving measures that benefit the college in alignment with the current mission.

Official Student Senate Constitution.pdf
Senate Info Flyer
Student Senate Code of Conduct ggf


Committees are how Student Senate works on behalf of the student body. After completing their first semester on Student Senate, all Senators are required to be on one Student Senate committee and one college standing committee. Most of our work is done through bringing student concerns to the appropriate college committee(s), attending committee meetings and working on committee projects. By occupying seats on college committees, Student Senators insure that the student voice is represented at the administrative level. Check out our committee pages for more information.