Research & Data Collection

Alignment with Current Initiatives 

TECC 5-Year Strategic Plan

Obj. 2: Increase Satisfaction of In-Service Teachers

Obj. 3: Provide Meaningful Incentives for Recruitment and Retention

Obj. 6: Improve Special Education Teaching Experiences

Project Activities

Lead Coordinator: Janet Kim

Project Outcomes

Needs Analysis: Special Education Teachers

A total of 53 special education teachers had responded to the prompt "What do you need right now"? SPEDucators were given de-identified responses and asked to categorize them using an extension of Maslow's Hierarchy. A sample of their findings are below: 

Key Findings:

Professional Development for Special Education Teachers

Need: Changing the Narrative 

Key Findings (Recruitment subgroup focus group):


Need: Special Education Teacher Evaluation 

Danielson Rubric Adaptation

At the January convening, SPEDucators were broken into groups to discuss teacher evaluation from the perspective of special education, in relation to their age-level.  FSC and CBI teachers were separated into their own group, as their students often have the most severe needs and don't fit in with traditional forms of assessment. SPEDucators were given the following guiding questions:

Discuss in groups, but goal would be to create a rubric that could be applied more broadly for all special education teachers. 

Overall Findings & Recommendations

FSC/CBI Revised - Hawaii Adapted Framework for Teaching Rubrics with Indicators

Adapting Charlotte Danielson for FSC/CBI Settings

The pipeline subgroup took this task further, by analyzing how the current Danielson rubric, being used for EES, applies to special education settings. In addition, adaptations to the rubric were proposed to better fit the needs of teachers and students working in fully self-contained and community-based instructional placements. In addition, suggestions on how skills could be developed from teacher candidacy to distinguished classroom special education teacher are provided. 

Need: Challenges to entering and staying

(SPEDucator-Led Focus Groups)

During February and March Convenings, the Professional Development Subgroup (n = 4) hosted and ran a series of 4 focus groups: 2 with UH SPED teacher candidates and 2 with current HIDOE special education teachers.  They developed the guiding questions, solicited volunteers to participate, and ran the focus groups in breakout groups during the SPEDucator Convening. Volunteers (n=17) were given $25 gift cards each for participating. Each SPEDucator had a turn in being either the moderator or note-taker for each focus group.  Summary of findings are presented below. 

UH Sped Teacher Candidates Focus Group Questions

UHM SPED Teacher Candidates

HIDOE Sped Teachers Focus Group Questions

Current Special Education Teachers

Presentations to Stakeholders

Recruitment & Retention Focus Group Summary

Recruitment & Retention

SPEDucator Focus Groups: Recruitment & Pipeline Subgroups

SPEDucator Retention Findings


SPEDucator Pipeline Subgroup

Proposed Next Steps

Lead Coordinator: Janet Kim