Professional Development & Resources

Alignment with State and National Initiatives 

TECC 5-Year Strategic Plan

Obj. 3: Provide Meaningful Incentives for Recruitment and Retention

Obj. 6: Improve Special Education Teaching Experiences

Promise Plan


Season 1 Outcomes (Nov. 2020 - May 2021)

Project Activities

Lead Coordinator: Derek Govin

Professional Development Outcomes

Develop and Train in Areas Identified from Needs Assessment and Focus Groups

Focus Group Training

Focus Group Training

Derek Govin trained the PD subgroup of speducators in how to conduct focus groups. First, Derek led two focus groups with the SPEDucators as a model, then he had the PD group lead a series of focus groups with current HIDOE special education teachers and UH Manoa teacher candidates over the following two months.  SPEDucators switched roles each session, either leading as moderator or notetaker. 

SDI Video Request

Exceptional Support Branch

On January 28th, SPEDucators were tasked from the Exceptional Support Branch with the objective of creating a video demonstrating specially designed instruction (SDI) within the classroom. This request was given to the SPEDucator Resource subgroup to lead. Because of the collective skill sets across grade and placement levels, we were able to develop five videos demonstrating SDI across multiple grade and placement levels. In these videos, you will see SPEDucators working with their students using various supports, different levels of support staff, and varying accommodations that demonstrate that students receiving special education services learn in a different manner compared to those receiving general education. Videos submitted March 24th.

Speducator SDI for Inclusion.mp4

SPEDucator & Gen. Ed. Teacher

Elementary Inclusion Setting

SDI Elementary-Colors-S.P..mp4

SPEDucator & EA

Elementary Inclusion Setting

CBI Lesson.mp4

SPEDucator & RBT

High School CBI Setting

SDI_Elem._Reading Book and Props_L.L..mp4

SPEDucator & Gen Ed Teacher

Preschool Setting

SDI-Elem. Letter F_N.S..mp4


Preschool Setting

Donors Choose Training

Leads: Natalia Sandoval and Liz Light

Natalia and Liz provided training to all the SPEDucator on how to create donors choose projects to support their classrooms and students. 

Grand total raised by Speducators since March 6th Training: $7,830

The Delightful World of Donors Choose!

Data Collection Training

Leads: Derek Govin and Janet Kim

For our data collection training, we provided a presentation on how these data sheets have been used and implemented in the classroom and in IEP meetings. Then, as a whole group we demonstrated how to create a data sheet from scratch ("I do"). Then we broke out into two groups; Derek led the preschool and FSC/CBI teachers who often work on non-academic goals and objectives and Janet led the inclusion and resource teachers who often focus on academic goals and objectives. In the small groups we worked on creating data sheets together ("We do") and then at the end each SPEDucator had the opportunity to test out what they learned using their own IEP objective ("You do"). 

SPEDucator Convening Data Sheet Demo.mp4

Data Sheet Demo "I do"

Academic Objective - Letter Identification Example

"We Do" Data Sheet Demo.mp4

Data Sheet "We do"

Academic Objective - High School Math (PEMDAS) Example

Creating a copy of sheet (1).mp4

Creating a data sheet

Introducing the usage of an online data sheet to obtain substantial data that is clear, aligned with objective, and is transparent with the entire IEP team for data review. 

Domestic skills.mp4

Domestic skills

Demonstrating how to use an online data sheet to break down a data sheet to align with a task analysis with level of support prompt needed to accommodate student success.

Vocational (2).mp4

Vocational skills

Demonstrating how to use a vocational data sheet to drive instruction and promote student success to advocate for post high school transition services. 

HĀ Framework Training 

Ka‘anohi Kalama-Macomber, Office of Hawaiian Education

Ka‘anohi Kalama-Macomber came to present the SPEDucators about the HĀ Framework and how it can be applied to special education. In addition, two SPEDucators, Jessie Ford and Pamela Walencewicz, shared their own stories and experiences and emphasized the need for more Native Hawaiian culture and identity in special education. 

Leadership & Empowerment


Each month, we had guest speakers and leaders in education join our convenings to share, collaborate, and discuss issues of interest with our SPEDucators.

November 20, 2020

Rockey Knox

UH Manoa Assistant Professor

Focused on social emotional health of special education teachers during the pandemic. Led discussion on burnout and dimensions of self-care. 

November 21, 2020

Kai Media

Kai Media Marketing 

Shared about the power of storytelling and why it's needed to help create change in the public eye. 

December 4, 2020

Ashley Mika-Ito

Hawaii Distance Learning Forum

Importance of community. Shared about the forum and provided a  confidential space for special education teachers to share. 

December 5, 2020

Kristen Brummel

Hawaii State Teacher Fellows

The value of professional learning networks. Empowered SPEDucators to see themselves as leaders and shared stories and outcomes from HSTF.

December 5, 2020

UH COE & DOE Leadership

Amelia Jenkins, Annie Kalama, and MaryJo Noonan

SPEDucators shared back findings from initial focus groups on recruitment and retention of special education teachers. 

January 8, 2021

Nicole Dolor-Bala

Senior at Farrington High School

 Shared personal experience and journey, being a student with disabilities in the Hawaii public school system.  Advocate and wants to create awareness for students with disabilities.

January 9, 2021

Mili Laffin

Social Media: Usage of Twitter

Shared tips and recommendations for using twitter for community building, recruitment, and support. 

February 5, 2021

Exceptional Support Branch

Annie Kalama and Krysta Bellevue

HIDOE special education budget transparency presentation. 

February 6, 2021

Policy Talk 

Corey Rosenlee and David Miyashiro

Internal and external approaches to making change through policy and research. 

February 6, 2021

Cindy Covell

SPEDucator Retention

 Sharing findings related to what makes special education different and the role of mentoring and community in retention of special education teachers.

March 5, 2021

SPED Task Force

Corey Rosenlee, Dale Matsuura, Jessica Alipio, and Justin Hughey

Reviewed the Sped Task Force Report and shared insight and feedback from the perspective of special education teachers. 

April 9, 2021

Ka‘anohi Kalama-Macomber

Office of Hawaiian Education: Hā Framework

Spoke to SPEDucators about how to become cultural advocates and implement the Hā framework in special education.

SPEDucator Professional Bios

One of the first leadership initiatives for the project was to have each SPEDucator write up their own professional bios, showcasing their experience, educational background, and area of passion in the field of special education. Professional bios provide a quick and easy way for each SPEDucator to establish themselves as professionals in the field. 

Copy of Copy of Overcoming Stigma in Special Education Unabridged

SPED 445 Social Justice Action Project 

Students from the SPED 445 course reached out to the SPEDucators to share personal experiences and examples regarding destigmatizing special education and students with disabilities.  SPEDucators were also asked to give words of advice to others who would like to take action on this topic.  Four SPEDucators participated in this class project. The students from SPED 445 then gave a presentation to high schoolers at Waipahu High School.

Policy Slides

Caseload Policy

Our Policy subgroup focused on issues around caseload and class sizes as an issue of special education teacher burnout and retention. SPEDucators researched other states to see what policies and practices already exist.  Twenty-eight states were found to have policy around caseloads, however Hawaii is one of the states having no policy on this issue. 

Slides for SPED Task Force

SPED Task Force Report Input

Upon request, the SPEDucators were asked to review the Sped Task Force Report and provide input and feedback from the perspective of being classroom special education teachers.  For each report reocmmendation, the SPEDucators shared their initial thoughts, followed by their input and proposal for next actionable steps to support the state's initiatives moving forward. 

Season 2 Proposed Outcomes (Nov. 2021 - May 2022)

Proposed Next Steps

Lead Coordinator: Derek Govin