
Alignment with State and National Initiatives 

HI Teacher Education Coordinating Committee

5-Year Strategic Plan

Obj. 4: Effectively Market the Teaching Profession

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

Attract - Prepare - Retain: Effective Personnel for All

Season 1 Outcomes (Nov. 2020 - May 2021)

Project Activities

Lead Coordinator: Janet Kim

Campaign Website

This website is designed as a one-stop-shop for prospective candidates who are considering becoming a special education teacher. The website focuses on helping people understand why special education is so special and who should consider pursuing the profession. 

The homepage leads candidates down a series of basic questions that should be considered prior to pursuing a licensure program. At the bottom are links to all the UH System programs available for special education licensure. 

SPEDucator Profiles

SPEDucator Profiles

Each SPEDucator shared a story about why they came into the profession and why they love being a special education teacher.  Stories highlight the many different pathways and motivations that can inspire someone to join this profession. 

To see the full list of SPEDucator Profiles, please visit: 

Radio Advertisements

Derek Govin

Sean Witwer & Nicole Dolor-Bala

Pamela Walencewicz

Campaign Slogan

SPEDucator Videos & Story Narratives

Why teach special education?

Featuring SPEDucator: Brandon Moises, Special Education Teacher, Waimea High School

Brandon is a 22-year veteran special education teacher on Kauai. His story highlights the importance of community and the power and impact of having teachers who believe in their students. 

Who should become a special education teacher?

Featuring SPEDucators: Lauren Collier, Michelle Lim, Nicole Jankowski, and Sean Witwer

This video is a collection of special education teachers sharing why they teach special education and who should become a part of this profession. This video also highlights stories and perspectives of students and their families on what special education and the teachers mean for them. 

Why choose UH Mānoa's special education licensure programs?

Featuring SPEDucators: Jessie Ford, Summer Pila, and Pamela Walencewicz

This video shares stories and perspectives from UH Manoa's alumni and current teacher candidates. They talk about the features of UH Manoa's programs that are unique and give tips and advice to those thinking of pursuing the profession. 

Relocating to Hawai‘i to teach.

Featuring SPEDucators: Detina Smith, Meggan Lint, and Nicole Jankowski

About two-thirds  of the new teachers hired each year are individuals trained outside of Hawaii. This video helps shed light on the experiences of three SPEDucators who moved to Hawaii to teach special education. They provide tips, recommendations, and support for those looking to make the move to Hawaii. 

Coming full circle: A passion to give back.

Featuring SPEDucator: Sean Witwer and his student, and future SPEDucator  Nicole Dolor-Bala

This story is about a special education teacher with a mission to see students with disabilities on the honor roll at his high school. Through this commitment, he is inspired by his student Nicole, who earns a 3.8 GPA. Nicole shares about how having learning disabilities have impacted her and how Mr. Witwer gave her an opportunity to teach other students in his class. Now Nicole wants to pursue becoming a licensed special education teacher at UH Mānoa so she can continue to give back, inspire, and make a difference in the lives of other students like her. 

Recruitment Event Guests

It's Great to be a Teacher, Jan. 2021

Michelle Lim, Event Guest

Michelle participated in an introductory video recording to share with participants about becoming a special education teacher for the It's Great to be a Teacher Event on January 30, 2021.  Michelle also attended the event as a guest speaker during the UH Manoa's breakout session to talk about licensure programs. Michelle provided unique insight for participants on the experiences of being a student in the program and how it prepared her for the classroom. 

SPEDucator Talk Story, April 2021

All SPEDucators

On April 9th, the SPEDucators hosted it's first "Talk Story" panel where participants got to learn about their experiences, their path, and why they chose to become a special education teacher. The event was broken into three sessions: (a) breakouts by age level, (b) breakouts by placement type, and (c) tips and words of advice. This event was open to everyone, but especially for teacher candidates or those considering becoming special education teachers. 

Season 2 Outcomes (Nov. 2021 - May 2022)


Lead Coordinator: Janet Kim

Partners: OTM  & Kai Media Marketing 

GEER Grant Proposed Outcomes

Social Media Campaign

Someone Special for Students Expansion

The SPEDucator Project

Featuring all 2021-2022 SPEDucators

The SPEDucator Project began in October, 2020, which brought together a collective of Hawaii special education teachers, now known as "SPEDucators", amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This project has been designed to support the recruitment to retention pipeline of a high-quality special education teacher workforce in the state of Hawaii. Hear how this project has impacted these special education teachers and how community is needed within this profession. 

Māla Mana‘olana: A Garden of Hope

Featuring Kristel Brogdon, her students, and her colleagues at Kea‘au Middle School 

This video shares SPEDucator, Kristel Brogdon's, passion project in being able to create a safe space on campus for her students through the development of a garden program. Hear from students, families, and other educators about how this program has impacted their students and the entire school community.

CEC 100 Stories: SPEDucator Project

Featuring: All 2021-2022 SPEDucators

As part of its 100th Anniversary, the Council for Exceptional Children recognized exceptional educators from around the world who have shown a passion, dedication, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of the students who they teach. For Hawaii, this video highlights and celebrates a collective of exceptional special education teachers who are part of the SPEDucator Project. 

Exceptional Students and Elementary Education (ESEE)

Featuring: UH Manoa faculty, students, alumni, and HIDOE school partners

Our 3-for-1 Bachelor's of Education program allows candidates to earn their bachelor's degree and two teaching licenses: (a) elementary general education, and (b) elementary special education. Learn more about this unique program through the perspectives of students, faculty, and school partners.