Success Skills for Technology / Innovation and Design


Greetings Hastings Saxons Parents and Students,

My name is William Renner and I will be your student's Success Skills for Technology or Innovation and Design teacher. These are two very different courses.

Success Skills for Technology is designed to ensure that students have the basic skills and knowledge needed to navigate technology safely.

Where as, Innovation and Design was created to introduce students to Design Process and work on skills that will allow them to succeed not only in their other classes here at Hastings Area Schools, but in future studies and/or jobs as well.

Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns

Daily Planner


In this class, we will be using the Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS) also known as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards.

  1. Empowered Learner

  2. Digital Citizen

  3. Knowledge Constructor

  4. Innovative Designer

  5. Computational Thinker

  6. Creative Communicator

  7. Global Collaborator

To learn about these standards we will utilize 21 Things 4 Students by REMC Association of Michigan and project based learning.

Recording in class

As part of this class students we will need to take photos, or make audio or video recordings of their work.

Classroom equipment:

Innovation and Design Students will have access to the following equipment:

  • Windows 10 Personal Computers

  • iPads

  • iPods

  • Mac Mini

  • Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV)

    • Sphero Dash

    • Sphero Mini's

    • Sphero Spark

    • Sphero BB8

    • Tello Drones

  • Dribbleup equipment

  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality equipment

    • Headsets

    • MERGE Cube

    • CoSpaces

    • THETA 360 Degree camera

  • Micro:Bits

  • Brain Pad

  • Makey Makey

  • Blockly

  • Breakout EDU

  • X-Carve CNC Machine

  • Stop Motion

    • Plasticine

    • iMotion

  • Green Screen

    • Microphone

    • Camera Stands

    • Lighting

  • Prusha MKS 3D Printers

  • Glowforge Plus 3D Laser Printer

  • Embroidery Machine

  • Sewing Machine

  • Heat Press

  • Maker Materials/Reverse Engineering

    • Scissors

    • Pliers

    • Screwdriver

    • Hammer

    • Tape Measure

    • Cardboard Scissors

    • Hot-glue

    • Strawbees

    • Keva Planks & Mazes

    • Hotwheels Speedomety Kit

It is important that students work hard to take proper care of the equipment provided. For this reason students are not allowed to bring any food or drink to their computer station and are encouraged to wash their hands regularly before coming to class. Students who choose bring food to class or behave in a way that endangers class equipment will loose their computer privileges.

Needed equipment:

While Hastings Middle School will provide the computers and other large equipment for the course, there are a few small things that your student will need to bring. The most important thing for your student to remember is a pair of headphones. Many of the lessons and projects that we do in class require sound so it is important that students have a simple pair of headphones with them that they can plug into the computer. I recommend having a simple (cheap) pair just for the class that can be left in the students locker. Though we are 95% paperless classroom, it is also expected that students will come to class everyday with a pencil.