Let's Break the Stigma

When we treat someone differently, we may be stigmatizing them based on ideas about mental illness that come from inaccurate news reports or over dramatized movies and television programs.

In this courageous talk, Sam Cohen - a high school sophomore - implores us to treat mental illnesses as the illnesses that they are, and to move forward as a culture in an accepting and nurturing way in treating these illnesses.

Stigma often deters those with mental illness from accessing health care or maximizing their potential because they’re afraid of being judged.

Choose Your Words Carefully

The language that you use can either contribute to the stigma that people feel when they suffer from depression or Break the Stigma

It’s important to take depression seriously!

Be careful not to refer to people with mental illnesses as “crazy” or “insane”.

saying things like you should just “get over it” or “stop being lazy” are not helpful when someone is experiencing Depression.

Never accuse someone of making up or exaggerating a mental illness.

You may not understand their experience, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a valid experience.


Because of stigma, many people choose to keep their own experiences with mental illness to themselves.

So how can we fight stigma?

By improving mental health literacy, we can challenge our misinformation and negative attitudes.

Below are some videos that can help us understand the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Stella's Story

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Luke's Story

Living with ADD

Amy's Story

Living with Anorexia

Caet's Story

Living with Depression

Edward's Story

Living with Depression

Connor's Story

Living with Anxiety Disorder

"The voices in my head were awful, self-loathing, and hateful."

Conquering Depression: How I Became My Own Hero

The stigma surrounding depression often causes people to suppress and hide their true identities as individuals who are suffering from a mental illness. This talk promotes ending the stigma and reaching out to people with the message: depression is not your destiny.

The Power of Depression

"My bed became my hiding place from the world, my tears became my only friends, and my thoughts became the only people whom would listen to me."

7 ways to fight mental health stigma

Be Conscious of Language

Educate Yourself and Others

Encourage Equality Between Physical and Mental Illness

Don’t Harbor Self-Stigma

Show Compassion for Those with Mental Illness

Choose Empowerment Over Shame

Talk Openly About Mental Health

No matter how you contribute to the mental health movement, you can make a difference simply by knowing that mental illness is not anyone’s fault, no matter what societal stigma says. You can make a difference by being and living stigma free

There are many supports, services and treatment options that may help.

Collectively, we can make a positive impact on the millions of people who are struggling and feeling particularly alone given the current situation of social isolation and physical distancing.