Bring Change to Mind


Bring Change to Mind (BC2M) is a mission oriented foundation focused on ending stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness. This aim is achieved by:

Let's Talk Mental Health!

1 in 4 people will be affected by a mental illness at some point in their lives. 50% of these mental health disorders will begin before the age of 14, and 75% before the age of 24. There are effective treatments available for mental illness, but nearly ⅔ of people living with a diagnosis do not seek help from a health professional because of stigma and discrimination. BC2M is working to change the unacceptable fact that cultural misinformation and bias is preventing millions of people from leading full and successful lives.

Communities, schools, and governments are gradually recognizing the impact of mental illness on today’s youth, as shown by funding for mental health services and early intervention initiatives. However, in the growing efforts to improve these services, the most important voice in changing the next generation’s relationship with mental health is often being lost.

Through a novel framework, the BC2M High School Program empowers teens to become catalysts of change. Students decide how to tackle these issues in a way that is relevant to them, their peers, and their community. In this non-traditional, youth-focused approach, our Clubs encourage teens to utilize their creativity and passion, as well as their crowdsourcing skills, to achieve the goal of normalizing the conversation around mental health. The BC2M High School Program was founded to address the reality that adolescence is a critical window to raise mental health awareness and combat cultural misinformation.

BC2M student-led clubs are full of fellow students who work on campus-wide work to raise awareness for mental health, destigmatize these struggles, and  spread hope. When you join these clubs, you join a community of support and positivity! 

Participating Schools 

High Schools

Junior High Schools