Trojan Voice

Important Dates

November 20th-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday (No school for students and staff)

December 13th- Class Ring Delivery

December 18th- January 1st Holiday Break- (No school for students and staff)

January 2nd- Teacher Work/PL Day

January 11th- IB Information Meeting 6:00 in the Media Center

Athletics Calendar

Trusted Adult Challenge Champion

Congratulations to Ms. Kliesrath who was voted by students as the champion of the Trusted Adult competition!

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who donated socks and hats to our Santa for the Homeless Sock Drive. With your help, IB seniors Yared Duncan and Brandon Ballard will be able to donate over a thousand pairs of socks to this organization. This drive was a part of the two students' IB CAS project. Also, congratulations to Mrs. Hartfield's first period class who donated the most items!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a great break!