Trojan Voice

Important Dates

December 11th-15th- Joy Week presented by Student Council

December 13th- Class Ring Delivery

December 18th- January 1st Holiday Break- (No school for students and staff)

January 2nd- Teacher Work/PL Day

January 11th- IB Information Meeting 6:00 in the Media Center

Athletics Calendar

Student Passwords

ALL student passwords are REQUIRED to be changed by Friday, December 8th.

If the password is not changed, the student’s network account, with access to the WIFI, will be disabled and it will not work. 

If you are changing your password on a SCHOOL chromebook, follow these directions.

If you are changing your password on a PERSONAL device, follow these directions.

Need more help, please ask your teacher for assistance.  Need even more help, come by the Media Center. 

IB News


Have a great day!