Trojan Voice

Important Dates

March 21st- IB Art Exhibit

March 22nd- PL /Teacher Work Day- No School for Students

March 23rd- Prom

April 1st-5th- Spring Break

April 11th- Chorus Spring Concert

April 18th- Band Spring Concert

Athletics Calendar

Parents and Students,

As we approach the eagerly awaited spring prom season, we want to take a moment to address an important matter regarding the conduct of our junior and senior students. While we understand that prom is a time for celebration and creating lasting memories, we must emphasize the importance of responsible behavior and respect for others and their property.

In previous years, some pranks during prom season–sometimes referred to as Junior/Senior Wars– have gone too far, resulting in damage to property. We urge all students to refrain from participating in any activities that may cause harm or destruction to school or personal property. Such actions not only reflect poorly on the individual involved but also tarnish the reputation of our schools, families, and community.

It's essential to recognize the serious consequences that can arise from engaging in destructive behavior. Damaging property can lead to criminal charges, not to mention the potential repercussions on your participation in graduation ceremonies and other special events planned for this time of year. We cannot stress enough the importance of making responsible choices and thinking about the long-term impact of your actions.

As representatives of your schools, families, teams, clubs, and the Hall County School District, we trust that you will uphold the values of integrity and respect. Let's make this prom season a time of celebration, camaraderie, and positive memories for everyone involved.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and let's work together to ensure a safe and memorable prom season for all.

Renaissance Rally

TOME Society


Big Shout Out for our TOME Society!  On Tuesday the club went to Athens with over 2300 other club members from the southeast and competed at TOMECON. Members came home with four awards -1st place to Liz Reed in Poetry, 3rd place to Lottie Price in Book Print, 1st place to Giselle Martinez in Cover Re-design, and 3rd place to Caroline Gipson in Character to Author letter.

Congratulations and great job representing North Hall High!  TOME Society is North Hall’s Reading and Book Club.  We are always welcoming new members.  See Mrs. Hammond in the Media Center for more information and access .


Have a great weekend!