Trojan Voice

Important Dates

December 18th- January 1st Holiday Break- (No school for students and staff)

January 2nd- Teacher Work/PL Day

January 3rd- Students Return from Break

January 11th- IB Information Meeting 6:00 in the Media Center

Athletics Calendar


Media Center Festival of Trees Winners

The Gift of Learning Tree:  The tree that best demonstrates a correlation with the classroom curriculum!

Ms. Evelyn Harper- The Zooloo Tree 

The Gift of Imagination Tree: The tree that has the most creative homemade ornaments, garland, tree skirt and topper!

Ms. Stephanie Hulsey- The Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tale Tree

The Spirit of the Holidays Tree: A special tree selected for its unique theme and celebration!


TOME Society- Spirit of TOME


Have a great break!