Support from 21 - 24

After you turn 21

After you turn 21, you will be offered support from a Leaving Care practitioner anytime you need it. Your practitioner will talk with you about what you need help with and what we can do to help you. This is likely to be reflected in a special 21+ Pathway Plan, which will be shared with you. Once any issues have been resolved, you may be deallocated to your Leaving Care practitioner, but you can contact us again at any time on 0208 356 4603 or at to ask for more support.

Education, training and employment

You will be allocated to a Virtual School Education, Employment and Training Advisor who will offer you information, advice and guidance and help identify education, training or employment opportunities that could be a good fit for you.  If a course has been agreed within your pathway plan and you're enrolled in education or training, you will get financial support for travel during term time, up to a Zone 1-6 Travel Card or equivalent., based on the details of your travel needs.  You'll need to meet with your virtual school advisor or Leaving Care practitioner before your course starts in order to sign an education contract which will highlight the support you can expect from us while on your course, and also what we expect of you with respect to your course in order to receive financial support.  

You will be expected to have at least 70% attendance and be in good standing with your education or training provider.  You will need to provide evidence of this to your Leaving Care practitioner at the start of each term or when it's requested of you.  


You can find more information about the support available to you should you go to university, in the 'University' section of this Local Offer.  

Council Apprenticeships

Hackney Council has a variety of Apprenticeships that become available each year to Hackney residents, current or former students of Hackney education institution, or a care leaver from Hackney.  As a Hackney care leaver, you will be offered guaranteed interviews for many of Hackney Council's apprenticeship opportunities if you meet the basic requirements of the role.  

Other Opportunities

The virtual School organises a range of activities throughout the year that you can choose to get involved in if you'd like.  Employment opportunities that you might be interested in will be posted regularly on the Virtual School app.  

If you have any questions abou thte support on offer from the Virtual School email them at

Health and Wellbeing

You are eligible or free prescriptions if you're:

If none of the above apply to you, as a care leaver you are exempt from paying for any prescriptions up to the age of 25.  Your Leaving Care Practitioner can explain how to access this financial support.  

If you're on a low income you can apply for a health certficate known as HC2 or HC3.  

This will give you reduced cost, or free dental and eye checks/treatment.  This is dependent on your income and needs at the time you apply for this support.  A certificate can last from 6 months to 5 years depending on your circumstances.  To find out more, ask your GP, dentist, or optician, or ask your Leaving Care practitioner apply.  

Support with Mental Health Services 

If there are worries about your emotional well-being or mental health at any time, we can think with you about what is going on and what support you might be able to access.  Your Leaving Care practitioner may invite you to a meeting with one of the therapists who works wiht us to explore this.  

If you live in Hackney, or within an hour's travel from Hackney one our therapists might offers to do some therapeutic worker with you if both you and they feel they can offer something meaningful.  

If we believe that you should be able to access support from adult mental health services but you are struggling to do so, we will try to help you with this. 

Leisure Activities

As a Hackney Care Leaver, you can an apply for an all inclusive, off peak membership for GLL Centres in Hackney at a discounted rate of (£15 p/m).  Will will pay for this every three months in advance as long as you attend.  If you live outside of Hackney, please speak to your Leaving Care advisor about how to access a leisure centre in your local area as we would like to support you to do this as long as you are attending regularly.  

If you have a particular hobby or interest that you enjoy and helps you to feel good, like as sport you do or an instrument you play, we will do our very best to support you to pursue that interest including potentially contributing to its costs if you are able to demonstrate your commitment to it.  

Emotional Wellbeing Services

Friendship Works 

If you are struggling with feelings of isolation or loneliness, we can refer you to Friendship Works, a mentoring programme run by Family Action who provide a mentor for three out of four weekends each month for at least two years.  More information about the service can be found on the Friendship Works Website.  If you would like to access this support, plese speak to your Leaving Care Practitioner and they will be able to refer you to the programme.  


Kooth is a free, anonymous, online counselling and emotional well-being service available to young people aged 16-25.  Support from qualified therapists is accessible up to 10 pm every night, 365 days/year.  Kooth also offers other key features of support including an online interactive magazine, peer support, live forums, and journaling.  Young people are able to register for support through Kooth independently at  

Pathways to Better Health

Pathways to Better Health  is for young people, aged 18-25, living in or registered with a GP in the City and Hackney.  From a one off session to up to 12 regular check ins, they provide one to one support according to the young person's needs and aspirations.  

    They offer:

More information about their service with details about how to make a self referral           can be found at the here:

Housing Assistance

After you turn 21, colleagues within Hackney's housing department takes over the legal duty from Leaving Care to help you find ‘suitable accommodation’. 

If you are still in need of support with your accommodation at the time of your 21st birthday or at any point up to your 25th birthday, the Leaving Care service chn help refer you to the Hackney Benefits and Housing Needs Services (often referred to as 'Greenhouse').  We will refer you to Greenhouse for this advice and support at a minimum of 56 days before your 21st birthday.  This service can then support you with accessing accommodation in the private rental sector and can offer support with deposits with some of the schemes.  

The benefits and Housing Needs Service have two youth homeless and care leaver focused housing officers, who offer support to young people facing homelessness by helping them explore all the realistic housing options available to them.  

Each young person's circumstances will be different ad because of this their housing options may also vary.  The two housing offices will also work closely with the Leaving Care teams to ensure the information and housing options that young people receive is consistent throughout their journey.  Both officers are passionate about providing personable support to young people and are highly experienced in their area of work.  

When you move into your own more permanent tenancy, we will work with Housing to try to offer you specialist tenancy support to help you maintain your tenancy, should we feel you need this and you wish to access it.

Following your 21st birthday, you are responsible for ensuring that your rent is paid and the Leaving Care Service will no longer make contributions towards any shortfalls in your housing costs. However, as a care leaver you are entitled to up to the ‘One Bedroom’ rate of the Local Housing Allowance up until your 25th birthday (see for more information).  If you are working, depending on how much you earn, you may still be entitled to a rent contribution through Universal Credit. Your leaving care practitioner can help you explore this.  

Your leaving care practitioner may be able to refer you to the Hackney Money Hub, a new team within Hackney Council.  They work to support people who are struggling financially or those that are looking for extra help or advice with the benefits system.

If you are accessing housing support from Hackney Housing post 21, we will work very closely with them to do everything we possibly can to avoid you being given an intentionally homeless decision, if you are struggling to maintain a tenancy.

Setting Up Home Allowance

Should you secure long term 'permanent' accommodation which is assessed as being sustainable in the longer term, you will be eligible for a one off Setting Up Home Allowance. 


Once you have secured long term 'permanent' accommodation, we encourage you to speak to your Leaving Care practitioner about being referred to Settle, which is a charity which supports care experienced young people as they move into their first home.  Settle  offers intensive 1:1 support and coaching which is tailored to you.  They can support you with things like: 

More information can be found on Settle's website or through your Leaving Care practitioner

ID Documents 

If your passport expires, we will pay for renewal up to your 25th birthday.

Council Tax Exemption

Access to Records 

Your practitioner will offer to search and help you make sense of any information in your Children's Social Care files, at any time you want to do this.  Please see the 'Access to your Social Care Files' section of this local Offer for more information.  

Knowing Your Rights

You will be able to access independent advocacy through Hackney's Children's Rights Officers at any time.  For example, if you are unhappy with the service you receive from us or others.  For more information, see the 'Have Your Say' section of this Local Offer

Contacting Us

During office hours, there will always be someone available from the Leaving Care Service who can help you if your allocated worker is not available. You can reach us by calling on 0208 356 4603 or emailing

Outside of office hours

Outside of office hours, in an emergency, you can access advice from our Emergency Duty Team. They can be contacted on 020 8356 2710.