Council Tenancies/Social Housing

There is a severe shortage of affordable housing in Hackney. Almost 13,500 households are waiting for social housing in the borough, but only around 600 social tenancies become available each year. The waiting list is growing all the time. This means it is only possible now to allocate social housing to those in greatest need. The circumstances of residents deemed to be those in greatest need include:

Despite this, the council recognises its unique responsibility to Hackney care leavers and so reserves a small number of social tenancies each year specifically for care leavers. Whilst in an ideal world we would offer a social tenancy to every Hackney care leaver who wants one, in reality the care leaver quota is sufficient to make this offer to only around 6 in every 100 care leavers who are under the age of 21 each year. This option is not available to care leavers over the age of 21. In line with the Council’s wider lettings policy, the care leavers who will be offered social tenancies will be those deemed to be in greatest need. 

How do we decide who is in greatest need?

Each year, all care leavers aged 19 and 20 are considered for the quota places (we believe that most young people are not ready to be responsible for their own permanent tenancies at 18).

At stage 1 of the process, we review these key questions:

At stage 2 of the process, we think about key areas of vulnerability for all those eligible from stage 1. At this stage, we think about things like:

We acknowledge that this is not a perfect process and it is likely to feel very disappointing to the majority of Hackney care leavers that we cannot offer a social tenancy to.

If you are offered a social tenancy, you will receive written confirmation of this and your practitioner will talk to you about the next steps. 

Frequently asked questions about the quota system