
What if I have a disability?

After your 16th birthday

After your 16th birthday, your social worker will refer you to the Preparation for Adulthood Panel, to help us try and work out as early as possible whether you might be eligible in the future for support from Adult Services. This will help us plan with you and your family for the future.

Before you turn 18

Before you turn 18, we will talk to you about where you want to live once you are an adult and take this into account when planning for your future.

If you are likely to be eligible for support from Adult Social Care in the future, we will try and work out with you as quickly as possible whether this will be from Hackney Adult Social Care, or Adult Services in another Local Authority (if you have been living in another borough). This decision will be based on a number of factors, including your views, the type of home you live in before you turn 18 and how long you have been living there. 

If you are eligible for support after 18

If you are eligible for support post 18 from Adult Social Care, they will take the lead on planning with and for you going forward, including arranging your accommodation, but you will still be entitled to support and allocated a Leaving Care practitioner up until at least your 21st birthday, or 25th birthday should you need it.

If you are in foster care

If you are in foster care and want to continue living with your carers post 18, and you are eligible for support from Adult Social Care, we will talk to your carers about the possibility of them becoming Shared Lives Carers, which are like foster carers, but for adults.