
Financial Support

If you’re pregnant with your first child, we’ll give you a one-off maternity grant of £150 before the birth of your baby, to help you during your pregnancy.

Your practitioner or midwife will support you to apply for a grant of £500 to buy essential items for your baby from the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) if you are eligible for one - while you wait, we can loan you this amount if you need it so you can buy essential items in preparation for your baby’s arrival.

Your practitioner may also be able to offer support to access funding from other organisations for you and your baby.

Additional Support

If you would like us to attend any antenatal or postnatal appointments, or be your birthing partner, we would always be very happy to do this.

When you have a new baby, we will send you and your baby a gift to celebrate this!

Post birth

Post birth, if you want to access training or education you should find out what child care support is on offer from your employer, training provider, college or university. 

If you’re in university, you can access child care through student finance. 

For care leavers under 20 years of age, child care support can be accessed through the government’s Care to Learn scheme.