News, Resources and Opportunities 

Care leaver covenant
In July 2016, the Government published 'Keep on Caring' which aimed to support young people with care experience to independence.  Within the document, a key commitment was the 'Care Leaver Covenant' to which private, public, and voluntary sectors would pledge to provide support care leavers aged 16-25 to help them live independently.  
This has been developed over the last several years and now there are hundreds of opportunities and resources available to care leavers from across the country listed on their website

Transport for London (TfL) Care Leavers' concessions

Care Leavers aged between 18 and 25 who live in London can now apply for half price bus and tram travel.  You are only required to apply to this scheme once.  The photocard will then be valide until your 26th birthday. 

In order to be eligible you must be: 

As you are only able to have one photo card with TfL, it may not be to your advantage to apply to his scheme if you are a student and have an 18+ Student Oyster photocard or a Job Centre Plus Travel Discount as both of these schemes include discounted travel on the entire TfL network, including the London Underground.

If you wish to apply for the care leavers' concession, please complete this short Google Form so that we are able to confirm with TfL that you are a care leaver known to Hackney.  You will then apply for the scheme on the TfL website but please give it 2-3 weeks before you try to apply as it takes a bit of time for us to share information with TfL 

In order to apply, you'll need to have:

More information can be found here.  

National House Project -

Energy Champions

The Young Energy Champions is a project within the National House Project. It's aimed to education young people around energy awareness.   There are online resources, films, and podcasts which can be accessed through the following website: