Office of Human Resources

Welcome to HACC’s Interim Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development

Greetings, colleagues!

Please join me in welcoming Ellen Horsch, our new interim vice president of human resources and organizational development, to HACC.

Ellen joined the HACC team on Aug. 24 and plans to remain with us until her permanent successor is hired or Dec. 31, 2020 (whichever date occurs first).

Prior to joining HACC, Ellen served as the first female vice president at Michigan Technological University. During her tenure there, she was responsible for business operations, facilities management and human resources.

Previously, she served as the director of the university’s human resources department for over 12 years and taught at several institutions prior to her administrative roles. She has served on a variety of external boards and remains active with many professional associations.

Ellen is active with her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, where she serves as the scholarship advisor and mentor. On a personal note, Ellen enjoys cooking and spending time with her family members, which include her two grandchildren and grand-puppies!

We are delighted to have Ellen on the HACC team.

Questions about the College’s Communications Regarding Unionization

Since fall 2016, the College has been clear, honest and transparent about unionization: We believe that shared governance can be effective and we are opposed to a union at HACC.

When it became known that the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) mailed information to the homes of part-time faculty in June 2020, we were obligated to respond to ensure our faculty are informed on the College’s perspective related to unionization. In order for this information to reach our faculty in a timely manner, a mailing to faculty member’s homes was deemed most effective and expedient in sharing truthful information. Those documents can also be found in myHACC > Unionization at HACC>Adjunct Faculty.

Since we mailed this information, we received the following questions via the Corona Inquiry Online Form and provide the below responses

  1. I noticed this past week, through a friend, the college sent out very nice professionally done high quality letters to adjuncts about the union. I was able to see the letter and it was well done but I do have a question. On the top it states faculty have a voice in shared governance. This year it was relayed to us and I have confirmation as I asked the question directly to admin that CCAC's recommendation was not followed through plus they were not part of any decision in finalizing a zero percent pay raise. Basically it was decided before a CCAC meeting. So why did the administration put false information that you always have a voice, where in this case there was no voice? Also with the change in the summer schedule no faculty were part of that decision as well. If there is to be true shared governance then faculty would have been part of these two situations I put forward, plus in my opinion, if there was truly shared governance then there would be no discussion of a union and then these letters would not have been sent nor would I be asking this question. The wasteful spending on a fancy letter has me more frustrated as if we ALL are to be good stewards to the college when a simple letter could have been sent for the college to get their point across. Thank you for reading.

Thank you for your question and feedback. The College Compensation Advisory Committee (CCAC), which is comprised of representatives from all three employee constituency groups, did have a voice in recommending a salary increase for FY 2020-21. The CCAC’s recommendation, which was immediately conveyed to Dr. Ski, can be found in the minutes from its Feb. 3, 2020 meeting. The recommended salary increase was considered, and subsequent salary increases were put forward for the Board’s consideration; however, a salary increase at any rate could not be accommodated because of the anticipated decrease in enrollments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. All documents related to the FY 2020-21 budget, which was approved on April 14, 2020, can be found here.

Regarding the summer schedule, decisions were initially made centrally based on information known at the time regarding the pandemic, technology resources, and enrollment. The College originally made a decision to cancel all summer classes scheduled for the first 6-week part of term for summer 2020. After the provost spoke with faculty, it was agreed to put some online courses back on the schedule, to make them 5-week instead of 6-week classes and deliver them during that early summer part of term. Additional information was provided by faculty and others that allowed the decision to be reconsidered and adjusted.

Shared governance, as defined in College Policy 100 and Shared Governance Policy 100 policy and handbook, is a philosophical framework that includes the College’s many internal stakeholders in various levels of decision-making which promotes transparency, maximizes inclusivity, fosters mutual respect, and allows the College to operate with the collaborative input of all those involved. Shared governance provides a voice. Shared governance, like collective bargaining, does not mean that all requests from all stakeholders are fulfilled.

  1. For more than a year now, we've been hearing about the College's fiscal difficulties resulting from declining enrollment, resulting in a massive administrative reorganization and numerous employees either being let go or encouraged to retire early. That situation is only being exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial uncertainty it puts our students and employees in. So how can you justify spending money on a scare-mongering mass mailing to faculty trying to discourage them from joining the proposed union? How much did the College waste on this bullying tactic?

Thank you for your question. As stated above, the documents that were mailed to the homes of part-time faculty were intended to provide facts in response to the documents sent by PSEA. Each faculty member should be fully informed about what a union can or cannot do if elected to represent you.

The cost to share this important information was approximately $2000, which is a tiny fraction of the College’s budget. As faculty return for the fall semester, our preference is to disseminate information electronically.

For more information about HACC’s stance on unionization at the College, please go to myHACC > Unionization at HACC.

We Have Moved!

Many employees have moved into new jobs associated with the One-College organizational model. Please congratulate them and give them you full support as they take on new challenges!

New hires for One-College Reorganization positions

  • Howard Alexander, Director, Student Success Initiatives - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Stepheni Anderson, Senior Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Shelley Blanchette, Coordinator, Persistence - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Wendy Brubaker, Assistant Director, Student Involvement - Office of Inclusion and Diversity

  • Angela Buchanan-Bloch, Assistant Director, One-Stop Welcome Center - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Jonathan Clark, Specialist, Library Catalog System - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Nicia Hollman, Fiscal Support Specialist, Facilities - Office of Finance

  • Dan Houloose, Specialist, Tutoring - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Monica Dixon-Howard, Assistant Director, Student Involvement - Office of Inclusion and Diversity

  • Emily Fox, Virtual Navigator - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Anabeatriz Fuentes Martinez, Specialist, Financial Aid - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Cheryl Isaac, Regional Executive - Office of the President

  • Dismary Munoz-Castillo, Specialist, Financial Aid - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Stephen Helfrich, Specialist Financial Aid - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Amanda Kerstetter, Data Analyst, Institutional Reporting - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Crystal Kline, Case Manager, Student Success - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Andrea Lazarus, Senior Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Gretchen McDonel, Event Coordinator - Office of Finance

  • Lori McKee, Fiscal Analyst, Business Operations - Office of Finance

  • Rose Marie Miller, Assistant Director, One-Stop Welcome Center - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Richard Medeiros, Specialist, Financial Aid - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Kim Mong, Specialist, Tutoring - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Laura Nalls, Academic Advisor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Kathy Pasewark, Specialist, Tutoring - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Todd Price, Infrastructure Specialist - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Ebony Ratleff, Associate Registrar, Student Services - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Debra Rebman, Academic Advisor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Maria Salinas, Coordinator, Student Orientation - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Kimberly Santiago, Assistant Director, One-Stop Welcome Center - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Angela Shipman, Administrative Program Specialist - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Brandy Skaf, Associate Registrar, Strategic Scheduling - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Machelle Snescavage, Specialist, Financial Aid - Office of Finance

  • Cindy Strawbridge, Assistant Director, Student Involvement - Office of Inclusion and Diversity

  • Lorie Sonnen, Assistant Director, Career Education - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Meriah Swope, Specialist, Learning Commons - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • Vicky Tran, Assistant Director, Financial Aid Operations - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Jacqueline Valentin, Specialist, Strategic Scheduling - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Victoria Van Hise, Director, Student Access Services - Office of Inclusion and Diversity

  • Vanessa Washington-Johnson, Academic Advisor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Robin Yost, Assistant Director, Financial Aid - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Matthew Wright, Coordinator, One-Stop Welcome Center - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

New hires for other vacancies

  • Krista Beljan, Coordinator, Corporate and Business Services - Workforce Development, Office of Academic Affairs

  • Rickiea Cohen, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Jordan Eichelman, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Natalie Flores, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Kimmin Kalyaniwala, Education Specialist, EMS training, Public Safety Center (PSC) - Workforce Development, Office of Academic Affairs

  • Megan Kennedy, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Randy Morrow, Systems Analyst - Office of Information Technology and Learning Experience

  • David Tracy, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Chala Thomas, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

  • Hannah Whitman, Admissions Counselor - Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Welcome Elizabeth Stahl!

On June 1, 2020, Elizabeth Stahl joined the Office of Human Resources (OHR) as coordinator, organization development. She joins the OHR team with over 20 years of experience providing specialized instruction, employee training, and adolescent enrichment.

Elizabeth is originally from Bakersfield, California where she met her husband and began her adventures as a military spouse and eventual motherhood. Along the journey, Elizabeth completed her Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in elementary education from California State University of Bakersfield. The Navy provided Elizabeth and her family the opportunity to explore different states and countries while experiencing various cultures and customs. While stationed in Japan, Elizabeth spent four years teaching English as a second language, introducing her children to Japanese cuisine, and exploring the island. Upon returning to the states, Elizabeth attended Drexel University and completed her master’s degree in the science of instruction. While stationed in Virginia Beach for eight years, Elizabeth taught 6th-grade special education English and moved quickly up into the management position as the Special Education Department head and Special Education Committee Chair.

With her latest, and hopefully last move to Pennsylvania, Elizabeth is excited to bring her love of learning and zest for life to OHR and the College as the new professional development coordinator. In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family and has embraced having everyone home with her these last few months. You can often find Elizabeth spending time outside wogging (walking/jogging) with her dogs, visiting car shows with her husband, or dragging her children off on some kinds of adventure.

Welcome Stephanie Foster!

Stephanie Foster is the newest member of the Office of Human Resources. She joined HACC on June 8, 2020.

Stephanie is originally from the Harrisburg area and has been working in education for the last eight years. She received a bachelor of arts in psychology from Gettysburg College and developed in interest in the impact of higher education on an individual’s personal and professional development. Stephanie went on to receive a master’s of science in education in counseling and mental health services with a focus in higher education from the University of Pennsylvania. After completing her education, Stephanie remained in Philadelphia and worked with English as a Second Language (ESL) students who were just beginning their educational journey in the United States. In 2014, Stephanie returned to the Harrisburg area and worked at Harrisburg University of Science & Technology as the university’s first international student coordinator. She worked closely with university staff and leadership to grow and develop the International Student Office. As the international population grew, Stephanie was given the opportunity to manage a team of three additional international student coordinators. With several years of higher education experience and a continued passion for education, Stephanie joined HACC’s Office of Human Resources in June 2020. She provides support to the Total Rewards team as a s and is looking forward to her new journey in HR and with HACC.

Update on HACC’s New Talent Management System - PageUp

  • Talent Acquisition and Onboarding

Our new applicant tracking and onboarding system has launched! Many of you have had firsthand experience with the system as a hiring manager, search committee member, applicant or all three.

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to provide feedback, either through the system-generated survey after a completed search or via comments directly to the talent acquisition team.

If you have not had an opportunity to utilize the system or view the training materials available, we encourage you to do so. Training materials are available at MyHACC>Human Resources>Talent Acquisition>PageUp Resources. New materials will be added soon, so be sure to check periodically.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be launching additional training to transition the request-to-fill process within PageUp. Stay tuned for more information!

  • Performance Management

PageUp will also house the College’s performance management system for APO and CEO employees, in addition to the applicant tracking and on-boarding.

Your Office of Human Resources has been working in the new system to map the evaluation process in a manner that is intuitive and efficient. Functionality such as goal setting and goal modification outside of the evaluation cycle, improved reporting, and more are currently being configured.

In anticipation of the new performance management system, supervisors are encouraged to schedule time with their employees to discuss the goals established for the current evaluation period, check-in on resources employees may need to accomplish those goals, and to discuss other achievements the employee has incurred with their performance thus far in the evaluation period.

Additional information related to the new performance management system will be made available as soon as the configuration is complete.