Around the College

COVID Response Survey Executive Summary

In late April, an assessment was emailed to HACC students, staff, and faculty to capture early perceptions of the institutional response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 2144 individuals responded to the survey (140 administrative and professional staff, 131 classified staff, 334 faculty, and 1539 students). Overall, the College appears to have done a very good job on short notice helping students and employees’ transition to remote operations. The College constituencies reported that (a) the communication they received was helpful, (b) the training they were offered was effective, (c) the resources they were provided helped them to be successful, and (d) the support they sought was received. Results yielded some actionable items, particularly regarding training and technology, in order to meet the ongoing needs of continued remote operations. In conclusion, this study highlights both the efficacy of contingency plans already in place and identifies areas of growth which may assist the ongoing institutional responsiveness to the COVID-19 pandemic. To read a full executive summary of the study, please click here.

New sample online course!

Prospective students who want to see what a virtual course looks like at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, now can experience an updated and dynamic "Sample Online Course." The course includes elements used by most virtual HACC faculty including an introductory video by Professor Hemingway the Hawk, best practice course structure and lots of vibrant visual elements. Prospective students can assess their readiness for online learning, post in a practice discussion, submit an assignment in a practice drop box and take a practice quiz.

Based upon focus groups with Virtual Learning Student Advisory Council (VLSAC) leaders, the sample course also includes tips and strategies for virtual students, dispels myths about online learning and provides lists of resources available to students. Faculty also looked at student retention data, the demographics of which pointed to the importance of early interventions as critical to student success.

Check it out for yourself: and look for the "Sample Course" icon.

The faculty that developed and contributed to the above student success initiatives are: Heather Burns, Professor of Foundational Studies, Annamarie Fazzolari, Assistant Professor of Gerontology, George Lehman, Professor of Math/CPS, Nicole McCartan, Instructor and Assistant Director of Employer Partnerships, and Connie Ogle, Associate Professor of Foundational Studies.

Meet Andriana: Getting Everything She Needs at HACC

Andriana Garrido, a math/computer science student, is taking advantage of all the resources HACC has to offer. Andriana said she has not had an easy road, but the challenges have made her “much more appreciative of where I am and how far I have come.” She does not have support from family and is the first in her household to go to college. Continue reading Andriana’s story on our website.

These stories are part of our “HACC Heroes” series. We recognize the severity of the global coronavirus pandemic and its impact on our communities. During this challenging time, we want to thank and recognize some of the many HACC employees, students and others who are making a difference.

HACC Student Makes Face Shields for Frontline Workers

Jake Grim, a student enrolled in the Business Administration Program at HACC, wanted to give back to his community during the global coronavirus pandemic. He made over 800 face shields and distributed them to organizations within the community. To read the full story, please visit our online newsroom.

HACC Employees Share Tips for Working Remotely while Juggling Family Life

Since March 19, 2020, all but a few employees and all students at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, have been working and learning remotely as a result of the global coronavirus pandemic. Thousands of employees found themselves coping with unique situations as they adjusted to today’s “new normal.”

To read the full story, please visit our online newsroom.

Tuition Giveaways Help Students Pursue Their Education

The HACC Foundation has generously committed to awarding 40 tuition giveaways to support current and future students at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College. The HACC Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance to HACC students, many of whom were negatively impacted by the global coronavirus pandemic and unable to meet the requirements to earn HACC Foundation scholarships. For more information, please visit our online newsroom.

HACC Employees Pay it Forward

Two generous employees at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, are paying it forward to students. Like many Americans, these employees received stimulus checks from the federal government. They could have used it for many purposes – including to support their families. Instead, they contributed funds to the HACC Foundation in support of our students.

To read more, please visit our online newsroom.