Kudos are submitted to the Office of the President, regularly. If you would like to recognize someone, or an entire team of colleagues, send the kudo to presidentski@hacc.edu

    • Kudos to Alexis Baker, Harrisburg Campus grounds and interim custodial supervisor for leading the “Zoom and Learn” series, Creating a Pollinator Friendly Garden co-sponsored by the Facilities Management Department and the Student Development and Multicultural Programs Department.

    • Kudos to the facilities and custodial teams collegewide as they work diligently to safely bring the hands-on lab portion of classes back to HACC Campuses.

    • Kudos to Paul Chaplin, adjunct photography faculty member for having one of his photographs selected for inclusion in the Art of the State exhibition at the Pennsylvania State Museum

    • Kudos to Tamara Girardi and Andrea Hartranft on the publication of HACC’s Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative in The OER Digest, which is through SPARC (https://sparcopen.org).

    • Kudos to the central finance team, especially Dawn Mull, Marcia Washinger, Lori Amspacker, and Steph Hockley as they continue to redesign the chart of accounts and financial processes to reflect the new one-college reorganization. They have been working hard to perform their normal financial responsibilities and to develop the new chart of accounts.

    • Kudos to Jackie Foster, Nina Kottcamp, and Emanda Reiner for making it safe for our students and instructors to return to the classroom amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Kudos to HACC Grants and Finance Department colleagues including but not limited to, Margaret Freedman, Marcia Washinger, Keith Baker and Natalie Troutman for their efficient and expedited support of the GED grant program during the fiscal year change-over.

    • Kudos to the CDL team, Julie Quigley, Randy Kissinger, Lisa Arnold, for successfully restarting the behind-the-wheel training this month that was paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Kudos to Linnie Carter for her open and honest leadership throughout these unprecedented times.

    • Kudos to Hannah Book and Melanie Wagner for continuously meeting tight deadlines and producing exceptional work for the modified marketing campaigns.

    • Kudos to Grace Bahou, Amanda Clemm, Kathy Doherty, Megan Hoose, Andrew Marah, Tracey Smith, Melanie Wagner and Michael Wagner for moving quickly to launch the full-ride scholarships for future students.

    • Kudos to Danielle Adams, Megan Hoose, Kelly Swanson and Amanda Wilkins for rocking the modified marketing campaigns for summer and fall 2020 semesters.

    • Kudos to Susan Biggs, Amanda Clemm, Lauren Holubec and Pam Saylor for promoting workforce development program offerings in response to COVID-19.

    • Kudos to Beth McLucas, Melanie Wagner and Amanda Wilkins for managing our #HACCtogether submissions.

    • Kudos to Jenn Boyd, Linnie Carter, Theresa Richwine and Kelly Swanson for managing the College’s coronavirus communications to employees and students.

    • Kudos to Steve Barry and Aaron Stout for pitching in to support Banner projects. We really appreciate the added help at this very busy time.

    • Kudos to Meredith Jenkins, Greg Daub, Matt Gordon, Nadia Ivanova, and Kelly Pannebaker for supporting the resolution of an urgent payroll issue. Your dedication and after-hours support is very much appreciated!

    • Kudos to Heather Gutschmidt, Matt Gordon, and Greg Daub for supporting the PageUp integration with Banner.

    • Kudos to Jessie Groft for being an excellent project lead on the PageUp applicant tracking project.

    • Kudos to Ray Rickell, Nadia Ivanova, Amanda Kerstetter, Kim Kelsey, Steve Barry, Lisa DeLeonardo, the Perkins project team, for working together to improve the reporting processes. The team has been working together to rewrite and streamline reporting to ensure efficiencies and accurate reporting.

    • Kudos to Matt Gordon and Aaron Stout on their work to upgrade the Single Sign On infrastructure. This is functionality everyone in the college relies upon on a daily basis. The infrastructure is critical to our efficient operations while keeping our data and systems secure.

    • Kudos to Nadia Ivanova, Heather Gutschmidt, and Greg Daub who are working diligently on the One College project. Their expertise is immensely helpful as the project team works through this long and complex project.

    • Kudos to Dawn Mull, Marcia Washinger, Steph Hockley, Lori Amspacker, the Finance One College Banner project team who have been working on the configuration of the Chart of Accounts and Accounts Receivable Detail Codes for the new structure.

    • Kudos to Kim Kelsey for her thoughtful leadership, knowledge, and expertise with fulfilling the many and varied data requests.

    • Kudos to Trevor Stynes, Todd Price, for their excellent and professional customer support when working with security on a recent installation.

    • Kudos to the Harrisburg Campus History Association who donated $150.00 to the Pennsylvania State Museum. The money was raised at the club's Fall semester Historical Food sale.

    • Kudos to Jennie Baar, Dory Uhlman, Megan Brightbill and Leslie Boon for their work with facilities and others in bringing students back to campus to finish their hands-on training.

    • KUDOS to Karen Woodring, Professor of English, for her recent graduation from Leadership Harrisburg Community Leadership program focusing on servant leadership!

    • KUDOS to the planning committee as well as over 60 HACC faculty and staff plus Rachael Fleagle, HACC SGA Executive Vice President for Virtual Learning that presented at Week Zero! Week Zero planning committee members were Rick Albright, Jennifer Billman, Leslie Boon, Tamara Girardi, Christine Nowik, Suzanne O’Hop, and Kathleen Pratt.

    • KUDOS to the Remote Learning Workgroup for collaborating on the new Recommendations for Student Success in Remote Classes! The workgroup members were: Anthony Beard, Jason Beaudin, Heather Burns, Gina-Lyn Crance, Brenda Eppley, Janelle Heiserman, Sarah Ostrander, Vicki Van Hise and HACC student, Conrad Zimmerman.